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Yoongi's P.O.V
The next day Seokjin told me to come early to the asylum, to watch Jimin. Seokjin also told me to come in white or black, i'm really curious about why Jimin likes only 3 colours. I want to know more about him, all i know is that he is very stubborn and rude. He's lucky that i'm very patient with others.


"Ok, so there are 3 cameras in Jimin's room, and they are all visible, 1 in the right corner, 1 wich is faced to his bed and 1 on the table. We would normally hide them from our pacients but Jimin said he wants us to see what he does... pretty weird for a guy that suffers from such illness."

"How did he get here?"
I asked changing the subject.

"He..uh.. he came to this hospital when he was 15..and when I say 'he came here' i mean that he himself came here and turned himself in."


"What did he do?"

"He burned a house to aches, nothing remained, we don't know if someone was inside or not.. he showed us the 'remainings' of the house."

"But why ..I mean..that still doesn't answer my question."

Seokjin sighed and walked towards the door of a room that says "Surveillance".
I followed him.

The room was full of computers showing different people in their rooms. It was quite interesting watching mentally ill people.. despite the fact that there was a granny that ate her boogers. Ew

"Here, watch."

On a computer screen Jimin was showing. He was sitting at the table with an apple in his hand, he was laughing at the camera and then changed his face expression to a really intimidating one. He leaned closer and closer to the camera and then giggled again.

"If this doesn't answer your question then...."
Seokjin looked at the clock on the wall and then back at me.
"...the next thing will."

The clock just turned to 10 a.m and I heard a loud noise coming from the computer screen. Jimin was now walking towards the painting he had.

He started crying silently and slowly crouched down.
His cries started getting louder until he screamed and hit the floor with his fists over and over again until the floor got slightly stained with his blood.

"Seokjin why is he doing that.. shouldn't we stop him? He's hurting himself."

"Let him be, do not go there between 10 and 12 a.m. And also, why are you so surprised? He's in a mental asylum.. of course he acts like that, a normal person doesn't do this kind of things without any reason.. he's just doing it. Everyday. Well, I hope this answers your question. I'll get going."

I turned back to the computer screen looking Jimin who continued to stain the white floor with his blood. I said i will make him behave and I will..somehow.. but I feel that Seokjin is hiding something from me.

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