29. Jordan & Abby

Start from the beginning

"Hey, look at me." I wipe a tear away, pressing a small kiss to her forehead to let her know everything will be okay.

"We're in this together. We both know you're the smartest out of both of us, so you probably shouldn't be asking me to figure out anything." That gets her to laugh and I smile from hearing the beautiful sound.

"But seriously, everything will be okay. I promise. I will take care of you and our child until my very last breath. I love you, Abigail Monroe. Just like I love our unborn child already." I couldn't be anymore sincere about everything I just said.

She leans up and kisses me, taking my breath away. "I love you so much."

I embrace her in my arms for a while, just needing to hold her. I hold her until I hear her yawn. She must be tired from staying up all night as well. I lift her up which makes her yelp and wrap her arms around my neck. I laugh at her, heading for the stairs.

"Was this necessary?" She asks with a small smile.

"Well, I don't know much about being pregnant, but I do know you need plenty of rest and when you wake up I'll have a five star meal prepared for you."

"Let me guess, you're going to look up foods for pregnant women?" She smirks.

"No." I laugh, but if we're being honest, I actually was.

I lay her gently down on the bed, tucking her in. I place a light kiss to her lips before just admiring how beautiful she is. "Get some rest, Midget."

She closes her eyes and I turn off the lights, making my way back downstairs. I pull out my phone and call Charity back. She answers in the first couple of rings.

"Yes, Jordan?" She sighs.

"We're keeping the baby." I smile even though she can't see me.

"Congratulations. Here's what I propose."

I sit down on my couch, knowing that Charity is going to have a whole elaborate plan for this. Abby might not agree to it, but at this point, I'm only worried about protecting her and the baby.

"I'm listening."


"Jordan, your phones ringing." Abby nudges me, trying to get me to wake up.

I groan, wondering who could possibly ruining my sleep. This is the first time I've been actually able to fall asleep and I can't even enjoy it. I grab my phone, exiting out of the room so that Abby can get some rest. I look down at the screen to see Troy's name flashing acrossing the screen. I sit down at the top of the stairs, answering the call.

"What's so important that you woke me up out of my sleep?" I answer.

"Come open the door." His voice is dead as if he's tired.

"You're back from Paris?" I ask, standing up to go open the door for him.

"Obviously." He remarks.

I roll my eyes, hanging up the call and opening the door to his house. He walks pass me without saying hey and throws his bags across the room. He grabs at his hair before yelling and punching a hole in the wall. His wild behavior causes me to jump and I know that if he doesn't calm down he's going to wake Abby.

"Troy, what's wrong?" I ask, keeping my distance because I know angry Troy will fight anybody regardless if he's angry at them or not.

"She fucking chose him! She only wants him because his dad is dead and she feels sorry for him!" He grabs the lamp on the table beside him and throws it against the wall.

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