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I put the other oneshot I was working on on hold and wrote this short one. I hate writers block.  Took place in season two.

Ezra fell through the air. He could hear sounds of fighting on the platform above. He didn't have to worry about that anymore. The fall to the water far below would probably kill him.

The wind whistled in his ears and his jacket billowed in the wind. He wasn't as scared as he thought he would be. It was kind of peaceful. Ezra hoped that his friends would be ok, he owed them so much.

Hera was like the mother he hadn't had for eight years. Ezra could always go to her for comfort. Zeb was like the older brother Ezra had never had. Sure he smelled bad and tried to kill him sometimes, but Ezra still knew that he meant well. Sabine was kind of like a sister. Sure Ezra'd had a crush on her, but he didn't think she felt the same way. Chopper was like the annoying pet that acted like it hated everyone, but really cared.

Then there was Kanan. Kanan was like the father Ezra hadn't had for a long while. Ezra would miss him a lot.

Ezra could see the water coming up to meet him, and he closed his eyes and braced for the impact.

He hit the water with full force. It hurt, and it knocked most of the air out of his lungs. He struggled weakly, trying to swim to the surface, but he just sank more.

He stopped fighting. It was really peaceful down here. The water seemed to cradle him as he sunk deeper. Ezra began to see darkness at the edges of his vision as the air in his lungs winked out.

He closed his eyes and darkness fell.

. . . . . .

Kanan saw Ezra get thrown off of the platform, but he couldn't do anything because he was engaged in his own fight with an Inquisitor.

The seventh sister gave him a gloating smile.

"And then there was one Jedi," she said, still smiling.

Kanan turned just in time to block an attack from the fifth brother, who had come up behind him after Ezra fell. Kanan needed to get rid of these two fast.

"Someone's not very talkative," the seventh sister sneered.

Someone's too talkative, Kanan thought bitterly as he fought both inquisitors.

Then Kanan saw a large stack of crates right behind the inquisitors. Acting instinctively he threw out his hands and sent both inquisitors flying into the crates. They hit them hard and caused the ones on top to bury them.

After making sure that the inquisitors were out of the picture for a bit, Kanan ran to the edge of the platform and looked down into the water. At this height he couldn't really see anything, let alone Ezra.

He looked over towards the Ghost. Hera and the others were still defending it from the stormtroopers, and even if Kanan went over to help they still wouldn't be able to get the Ghost down to Ezra in time.

Without really thinking about it, Kanan jumped off the platform.

Just before he hit the water he slowed himself down considerably with the force. The water was cold and he couldn't really see very well in it. He swam back to the surface to breathe and search for Ezra's force signature. After finding it, it was growing weaker, he took a deep breath and dove.

Kanan struggled to see Ezra through the water. He swam deeper. Just as he was about to swim to the surface for another breath, he saw Ezra. Kanan swam towards him as fast as he could. He grabbed Ezra's arm and kicked towards the surface.

Kanan gasped for breath when his head broke the surface of the water. He held Ezra above the water with one hand and used the other to tread water. Ezra stayed limp, and that worried Kanan.

Seeing the shore a little ways away, Kanan struck out for it. Swimming with Ezra's dead weight was difficult, and Kanan felt frustration building inside of him. Ezra needed help now!

When he reached the shore Kanan pulled Ezra out of the water and laid him on his back. He wasn't breathing.

"No no no no, Ezra please don't do this," Kanan said as he started CPR, "Come on, breathe."

After a little bit Kanan started to loose hope.

Suddenly Ezra jerked beneath him and began coughing up water. Kanan sighed with relief and turned Ezra on his side as he coughed all the water out of his lungs. When he was done Kanan rolled Ezra back onto his back and Ezra opened his eyes.

"K-kanan?" Ezra asked. His voice was soft and scratchy.

"It's ok, you're safe now," Kanan reassured him.

Ezra was still gasping for breath, and he looked really tired.

"Go to sleep, I've got you," Kanan said softly as Ezra's eyes began to close. Ezra stopped fighting and let sleep take him.

Kanan watched as the Ghost descended towards them, and he felt glad that they'd all made it, safe and sound.

Ghost Stories (Star Wars Rebels Oneshots) (DISCONTINUED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang