Sick Day

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Season one.

Ezra's eyes opened in the dark. At first he didn't know what had woke him up, but then he realised that his head was pounding. He was also shivering like mad.

Karabast, Ezra thought, I must be sick. He didn't want the crew to know so he tried to go back to sleep, but the pounding in his head kept him awake. It felt like somebody was kicking him in the head repeatedly.

After much tossing and turning, he finally fell into a fitful sleep.

"Hey kid, wake up," Ezra woke to feel Zeb shaking him, signaling that it was breakfast time. The hope that he'd feel better in the morning dissipated as Ezra's head continued to pound. He knew that if he went to breakfast everyone would see that he was sick.

"Zeb, go away, I'm trying to sleep," Ezra said into his pillow. Amazingly he was able to keep his voice normal sounding.

"Suit yourself kid," Zeb said and Ezra heard him leave. Again he laid there, drifting in and out of consciousness. He had no idea how long he'd been laying there, but when he woke up again it was to hear Hera saying that it was lunch time over the internal coms.

Ezra groaned. He knew that if he didn't go that the crew would know something was up. Ezra slowly sat up and winced as his head pounded even harder. He felt like he was going to throw up, but he knew that he couldn't because there was nothing in his stomach.

He forced himself to climb down the ladder, and when he'd reached the bottom he had to grip the ladder hard as he swayed. He groaned again. This was going to be hard to conceal from the crew.

Ezra stumbled his way to the kitchen. He was trying really hard not to shake. He felt so cold, yet hot at the same time.

He squinted at the bright lights of the kitchen.

"Good morning sleepy head," Hera said as Ezra sat down at the table, "You get enough sleep?"

Sabine and Zeb laughed.

Ezra smiled slightly. He was trying really hard not to show how awful he felt.

Hera set a plate of food in front of him and Ezra picked at it. He really didn't trust himself to eat anything.

"Are you ok?" Hera asked him.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Ezra said. He ate a little bit of the food, then he abandoned his plate. He knew if he ate too much he could throw up.

"Ok, so we have a mission today," Kanan said as he leaned back against the seat after he finished his food.

"Good, we haven't been doing much lately and it's been getting boring," Zeb said with a stretch.

Ezra could feel despair rising up inside him. A mission? How in the galaxy was he supposed to keep his illness hidden on a mission?!

Ezra was suddenly shoved roughly and he had to swallow down his nausea.

"Pay attention," Zeb growled. He'd been the one to shove him.

"S'ry," Ezra mumbled. His stomach and head really hurt.

Kanan continued talking about the plan and what each person's job was. Ezra tried to pay attention. He kept his head propped up on his hands. But he felt so awful that he could feel himself nodding off again.

"Ezra did you not get any sleep last night or something?" Hera's voice suddenly cut through Ezra's groggy mind.

"What?" Ezra started, "Oh yeah, yes," he replied when his mind processed what she'd said.

Hera and Kanan exchanged looks.

"You look pale, are you sure you're alright?" Hera asked with a look of worry on her face.

"Yes, I just couldn't sleep last night and I'm tired," Ezra said. It wasn't a lie, it just wasn't the whole truth.

"Can you go on the mission, or should we call it off?" Kanan asked.

Ezra knew that they desperately needed more credits, so he said, "Yeah, I can go on the mission."

"Ok, everyone go get ready, we'll leave in about ten minutes," Hera instructed.

Zeb and Sabine were up immediately and running to their cabins. Ezra got up much slower and used the table for support.

"You really do look pale," Kanan said. Kanan moved as if to place a hand on Ezra's forehead and Ezra quickly lurched away.

"I told you I'm-," but he was cut off by a sudden violent urge to throw up.

Not caring about what Kanan and Hera would think Ezra sprinted to the refresher and threw up. His stomach hurt so bad and he ended up dry heaving. He heard voices and felt someone rubbing his back soothingly.

When he finally finished he slumped back against the wall, shuddering badly. He felt delirious, and could barely hear the voices talking above and next to him.

Ezra felt someone pick him up and he instinctively moved towards them. He felt so cold, and they were so warm.

Ezra was laid down on something soft and felt himself falling asleep.

"Hey Ez? I need you to wake up and take some medicine," a voice said. Ezra felt someone rubbing his arm.

He opened his eyes to see Kanan and Hera standing next to him. He was lying on the bottom bunk of Kanan's cabin.

"Ok," he replied. He internally winced at how weak he sounded.

The medicine tasted awful.

"Sorry about the taste," Hera said with a small smile to the look on Ezra's face. She placed a hand on the side of Ezra face in a motherly touch, then turned and walked towards the door. "I'm going to go see if we have any more medicine that could help," she explained before leaving the room.

"Why didn't you tell us you were sick?" Kanan asked as he sat down on the bed next to Ezra.

"I didn't think it was important," Ezra mumbled. And I didn't want to be a burden, Ezra added in his head.

"Well it is important," Kanan said as he rubbed Ezra's shoulder, "Just get better ok?"

"What about the mission?" Ezra asked softly.

"There will be other missions," Kanan reassured.

Now I actually am a burden, Ezra thought bitterly, we needed those credits.

As if he could read Ezra's thoughts, Kanan said, "It's not your fault, we all get sick sometimes. It's not the end of the world."

Ezra didn't reply. He felt awful and just wanted to sleep.

"Just rest ok?" Kanan said and he got up and started towards the door.

"Where you going?" Ezra asked softly. He didn't want Kanan to leave.

"I was going to go help Hera," Kanan replied as he turned back to face Ezra.

"Oh," Ezra said. He looked away from Kanan at the wall.

"Do you want me to stay?" Kanan asked.

"Um, well sure, I guess. If you want to," Ezra mumbled. The real answer was yes, but he wasn't about to say that.

Kanan smiled and walked back over to the bed and sat down next to him.

Ezra moved so that his head was resting on Kanan's leg. He felt Kanan's hand go through his hair.

"Rest kid, I'm not going anywhere."

I got really sick a few weeks ago and I based most of this off of that. Sorry I haven't been updating very much. I'm not gonna make up an excuse.

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