The Storm

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Season one probably. This was one of those things where I just started writing and it just sort of happened, so sorry if it seems really long. I just wrote it to pass the time. Also I made up some Jedi training stuff, so it's probably not something that's actually cannon.

Nothing was happening on the Ghost. Well, almost nothing. Nothing interesting was happening, at least, nothing interesting in Ezra's point of view.

Ezra was currently super bored and sitting upside down in the chair of the nose gun, with his legs where his back should be, and his back where his legs should be.
Suddenly Kanan walked in. He stopped when he noticed his padawan in such a weird position staring intently out the window at the cloudy Lothal sky.

"Um, Ezra?" he asked tentatively.


"What are you doing?"

"I'm looking at the world with a new perspective."

Kanan was caught off guard by the weird statement. "What?"

"You always say you should look at things with a different perspective, so I decided to try it because I was bored," Ezra replied.

"Upside down isn't what I meant," Kanan said, trying not to laugh.

Ezra shrugged and that action caused him to fall out of the chair. He stood up and swayed slightly, gripping the chair for support. "Good, because all the blood was rushing to my head," he said, shaking his head to clear it.

"Ok," said Kanan awkwardly, "I forgot what I came in here to tell you."

"Must not've been very important then," Ezra said with a smirk as he jumped back on the chair and began to spin in it.

"It was to," Kanan said, becoming distracted from trying to remember what it was by Ezra's spinning, "Why can't you ever hold still?"

"I'm bored," Ezra announced, like it explained everything.
"Well I know something that can get you unbored," Kanan said as he remembered what he was originally going to tell Ezra.

Ezra stopped spinning. "Kanan that's not a word," he said.
"Of course it's a word, if you can say it, it's a word," Kanan replied with a smile.

Ezra opened his mouth to retort, closed it again, then said, "That's a good comeback, I should write that down and use it later."

"I always have good comebacks," Kanan said.

"No you don't," Ezra replied with a grin, starting to spin in the chair again.

"Yes I do, Augh! You made me forget what I was going to tell you again!" Kanan said as he put his face in his hands.

Ezra was spinning faster and faster in the chair now. "That's a shame," he said.

"Ezra slow down before-," suddenly Ezra was flung out of the chair and he hit the wall, "that happens." Kanan finished. He walked over towards his very dizzy padawan, "You ok?"

"T-that was awesome!" Ezra said as he shakily stood up, "I want to do that again."

"Yeah, no," Kanan said, stopping his padawan from getting in the chair again, " I remembered what I was going to say again. We're going to go practice lifting things with the force, outside." he added as he saw the excited gleam in Ezra's eyes, "We don't want to mess up Sabine's painting again."

"Darn," Ezra said grumpily.

When they got outside it was a little windier then normal, making the grass ripple and look like an ocean. The sky was also dark with clouds.

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