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I was going through my oneshots and ideas that I've already written and I found this. I wrote it ages ago, so it's pretty bad but I had a good laugh over it. Probably took place in season one.

Boredom was in the air on the Ghost. They'd been in hyperspace for what felt like forever with literally nothing to do. Kanan and Hera were in the cockpit, and the rest of the crew were in the common room. Zeb was eating space waffles, Sabine was playing around on a holopad, Chopper was recharging in the corner, and Ezra was being dramatic.

"I'm so bored," He groaned dramatically. He was draped over half the couch with his head hanging upside down over the edge and his arms flopped over his face.

"Go be bored somewhere else," Zeb complained.

"I can't move," Ezra sighed, "the boredness has paralyzed me!"

Zeb rolled his eyes. "Sure kid," he said and returned to eating his space waffles.

"What are you doing?" Ezra asked Sabine.

"I'm trying to read," Sabine said in exasperation, "I agree with Zeb, go be bored elsewhere."

Ezra didn't answer, or move. Then he said, "Are you guys bored?"

"Ugh! Kid, go away!" Zeb burst out.

"No," Ezra said stubbornly, "Can I have a waffle?"

"Um, no," Zeb said, pulling his plate closer. Sabine was just ignoring them.

Chopper unplugged and announced that he was completely recharged, spinning around in a circle and waving his mechanical arms.

"No one cares," Ezra said, his arms still draped over his eyes.
Chopper beeped angrily at him and rolled at Erza's face. Ezra opened his eyes in time to see a very grumpy astromech about to smash into his face. He yelped and sat bolt upright. Chopper crashed into the side of the couch where Ezra's face had been moments earlier and fell backwards.

The crash had made Sabine drop her holopad, which she then scrambled for to see if it was ok, and it made Zeb face plant in his waffles.

"Oh now he can move," Zeb said, anger boiling in his green eyes.

"It was Chopper's fault!" Ezra yelped, pointing an accusing finger at the downed droid.

Zeb grumbled and continued eating.

Ezra sighed in relief and glared at the orange and white droid as Chopper finally got back upright.

Chopper waved his arms at Ezra and beeped some things that shouldn't be translated.

"Hey, it's not my fault that you dented your dome, you were the one who crashed into the couch." Wrong thing to say.

Chopper's electric shocker popped out and jabbed at Ezra. He yelped, scrambled off the couch, and ran.

Sabine looked up in exasperation at the teen and droid as they barreled around the room. So much for reading, she thought as she put the holopad away and watched the chase.

"Stop it! Augh! I'm gonna tell Hera!" Nothing Ezra yelled stopped the enraged astromech.

"This is more interesting than my book anyways," Sabine said to no one in particular.

"They're both nuisances," Zeb grumbled, "We should throw them off the ship."

"Oh hush, I know you're enjoying this," she said with a smirk.

"Maybe just a little bit," Zeb reluctantly agreed.

Ezra ducked behind Zeb, grabbed one of his waffles, and threw the food at the droid.

It hit Chopper in the eyes and stuck there. Chopper rolled around in circles, beeping profanities and failing to get the sticky waffle off.

Zeb, Sabine, and Ezra looked at each other, and then they burst out laughing.

"You look ridiculous!" Ezra gasped between fits of laughter.

"Don't touch my waffles again," Zeb managed to gasp out while laughing.

"I should paint a picture of this!" Sabine giggled.

Chopper finally managed to get the waffle off and threw it at Ezra. It slid off of his face to show a look of complete surprise.

Zeb and Sabine burst out laughing again.

"Kid your face!" Zeb shouted with laughter.

"Priceless!" Sabine snickered.

Ezra frowned, then he noticed Zeb's plate, it was covered with waffles. Ezra grinned evily.

He banged his fist of the edge of the plate and sent waffles flying everywhere, but mostly at Zeb and Sabine.

Pretty soon it was an all out waffle fight. Zeb threw one at Ezra who ducked and it hit Sabine. She grabbed one and threw it back. It hit Ezra in the back of the head. Chopper was rolling around scooping up waffles and launching them at everyone at high speeds. It was complete chaos, but no one was bored.

. . . . .

"We're here," Hera announced to Kanan as they emerged from hyperspace in front of the planet Lothal.

"I'll go tell the others, they must be dying to do something," Kanan replied with a small chuckle, remembering how they'd looked when he'd last checked on them.

As he walked towards the common room, he heard a crash and a shout, followed by one of Chopper's mechanical laughs. He tried to prepare himself for whatever he saw.

He was not prepared.

When he opened the door he had to duck because a waffle had flown at his face.

"What is going on!?" He shouted. Everyone froze. Chopper was caught in the act of dumping syrup on Zeb's head. Sabine was on top of the table holding a plate like a shield. Zeb was on top of Ezra with waffles stuck to his fur and Ezra was trying to shield himself with a waffle. Waffles were stuck to the walls and ceiling.

"Uh," Ezra said. Chopper shocked Zeb and Ezra and rolled out of the room as fast as his wheels could carry him.

"You know what," said Kanan, "I really don't want to know."

As he walked out he threw casually over his shoulder, "Don't let Hera see the room like that."

He smiled and shook his head as he heard a few yelps and some hurried sounds of cleaning.

Life was never boring for long on the Ghost.

The pictures don't always have to do with the oneshot.

Ghost Stories (Star Wars Rebels Oneshots) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now