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So, I wrote this a while ago, and I wrote it because I thought Zeb and Ezra needed more bonding time. :) This happened after Fighter Flight.

'A friend not only gets in trouble with you, but gets out of trouble with you.'

Zeb and Ezra were running over the rooftops of a small town on a distant planet in the outer rim. They were being chased by stormtroopers. So all in all it was an average day.

"I think the plan failed!" Ezra yelled to the lasat warrior running in front of him.

"Ya think?" Zeb yelled back, blasting a trooper with his Bo-rifle, "Stupid bucketheads knew we were coming!"

"Where's Chopper when we need him?" Ezra yelled as he dodged a blaster bolt that was a little to close for comfort.

"Not here!" Zeb replied.

Ezra was so busy running and looking over his shoulder at the advancing troopers, that he didn't notice that the roof had ended until he found it not under his feet any more.

He would've fallen if Zeb hadn't grabbed the back of his collar and pulled him back. With his feet back on something solid he just stood there breathing heavily and staring at the ground far below. He tried hard not to think about how he'd almost become a grease spot on it.

"You ok kid?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, thank you," he replied shakily.

"Don't mention it. What're we gonna do about those bucketheads?" Zeb asked indicating the troopers running on the roof towards them.

"If we could get down there," Ezra said indicating the ground, "then we could run for those large rocks outside town, they look like a maze. They'll never find us there, and we can wait for Chopper."

"How do we get down there, you gonna use the force?" Zeb asked, firing at the troopers, who were getting really close.

"I'm not that good yet," Ezra said biting his lip, "but I can go first and-" he didn't finish. Zeb had launched himself off of the edge of the building.

"Zeb!" he yelled in shock. Zeb landed in a roll and shakily stood up, "Zeb, are you alright?!"

"I'm fine kid, jump!" He yelled back.

"Are you crazy!?" Ezra yelped, looking back at the troopers who were mere feet from him.

"I'll catch you, trust me!" Zeb yelled back.

Ezra hesitated, and that was enough. He felt pain pierce his arm, leg and side, felt himself fall, and blacked out.

. . . . . .

Zeb looked up in horror as troopers came up and shot at the kid, who was blasted off of the side of the building. He jumped and caught Ezra's limp form, then raced away from the blaster fire out of the town.

He ran in the maze of large and small boulders that was outside of the small town. After doubling back a few times to hide his trail he found a small opening near the ground under a large boulder and crawled under. He couldn't sit up all the way and had to hunch over. After setting Ezra down Zeb pulled out his comm.

"Spector three, this is Spector four, do you read?" Nothing, "Spector three? Chopper I'm gonna turn you into a pile of scrap if you don't respond!"

There was static, then a few of Chopper's mechanical beeps could be heard.

"I can't understand you," Zeb said in exasperation, a few more beeps and Zeb responded, "I told you I can't understand what you're saying, we're outside the town hiding in the large boulder filled area, we need a pickup." More beeps, "Look, Spector six is injured, just get here fast." He cut the communication and sighed, "Stupid astromech, he better get here fast."

Ghost Stories (Star Wars Rebels Oneshots) (DISCONTINUED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ