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Season one. This was another one of those chapters I wrote because I was bored.

Ezra had just gone on a walk, that was all! Why did the stupid bucketheads always chase him? Trouble always finds me, even when I'm not looking for it, Ezra thought bitterly as he ran through the streets, I was just minding my own business! And stealing a trooper's blaster right from under his helmet, but I was bored. Ezra smiled as he remembered the trooper's shock when he realised he didn't have a blaster any more. Ezra had dropped it, otherwise he would've shot at the troopers chasing him by now.

As he ran around a corner he heard a trooper behind him yell, "Stop rebel scum!"

Ezra stopped and leaned up against the wall. As the troopers ran around the corner and ran past him he yelled to their retreating backs, "You know that never works right?"

The troopers all spun around and stared at him. "What?" one of them asked stupidly, as if trying to figure out what Ezra had said was straining his little bucket-brain.

"Yelling that, it never works," Ezra replied, his arms crossed and still leaning against the wall.

"Yelling what?" another trooper asked.

"Yelling 'stop rebel scrum!' It just never works. You know we're not going to stop, so why waste breath yelling when you could just chase us," Ezra said. All the troopers were just staring at him. "Just giving a helpful tip, well, see ya," Ezra said with a mock salute, and he slipped around the corner.

The troopers just looked at where Ezra had been for a second, then they seemed to realise what had just happened. They broke into a run to chase after the rebel.

"Stop rebel-! you know what forget it, that is a waste of time," one trooper said as they ran.

Ezra ducked into an alley and watched them run past. He snickered to himself. "That was priceless!" He walked along the alley until he saw that at the end of the alley were three imperial speeders. They looked new, and were parked outside a bar.
"Finders keepers," Ezra said to himself with a shrug and he hopped onto one, fiddling with the controls.

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

Uh oh, Ezra thought as three bike troopers came out of the bar at that exact moment. Ezra hit the accelerator and shot off, but two of the troopers hopped onto the remaining speeders and were hot on his tail.

Ezra swerved around corners and dodged people and crates. The two speeders behind him were shooting at him, but they were terrible shots.

Honestly Ezra was having a lot of fun. He whooped as he went up a ramp and jumped over a landspeeder. The chase was exhilarating.

Suddenly Ezra's cm link went off. "Ezra where are you?" Uh oh, it was Kanan.

Ezra grabbed the comm and steered his bike around a sharp bend with one hand. "Now's not the best time Kanan, sorry," Ezra replied hurriedly.

"What'd you do this time?" Kanan's exasperated voice said.

"It wasn't my fault- ahh!" Ezra yelped as he had to duck to avoid a low hanging sign that wanted to take his head off.

"What?! What happened?" Kanan asked.

"I attracted attention from bucketheads, what'd you expect?" Ezra replied sarcastically.

"You need help?" Kanan asked.

"Nope, I've got it under control, gotta go bye!" Ezra said as he hurriedly put his com back on his belt so he could use both hands.

Kanan's gonna kill me, Ezra thought, but he'd worry about that later. He lost one trooper on his tail when they'd swerved to avoid some crates and crashed into some other crates. It was very funny.

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