Chapter 28

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Hellooooo my lovelies. Long time no talk. Safe to say my writers block is now gone and I am back in full swing.
I haven't updated lately due to moving, having a new full time job and also am going through fertility treatment that makes me ill at the moment.
I hope you all can forgive me for not updating, but I am back now. Writing again is taking the stress of my life right now lol.
Anywhooo please enjoy this unedited chapter!!!
❤️ J

Chapter 29

William P.O.V

The elevator doors open and I briskly step out into a dimly lit corridor. Heading down the long narrow corridor I stand in front of a red door. Taking a calming breath I reach for the handle and open it.

Stepping inside I am met by Kade and Leo. In the far right corner of the room sat Parker, smoking a cigarette, the anger radiating off him as I am sure it is of me as well.

Reaching into my pocket I grab my pack of cigarettes and light one, inhaling the sweet nicotine. I sit on a chair opposite our rat.

I exhale a cloud of smoke into the rats face. "Well, well, well. I must say this is a surprise" I speak monotonously to the rat.

"Why am I here?!" they sneered back.

I release a humourless lough as I take another drag of my cigarette "You are here because my team of private investigators linked you to the exposure of my wife's pregnancy. Not only that but you are indeed involved with the gang known as Venom".

"I don't know what you are talking about!" they spat back.

"I believe you do" I say clicking my tongue.

"You can't prove anything-" the rat was cut off as Leo grabbed their sleeve, tearing it off and revealing a tattoo matching the image on the back of the Venom jacket we had obtained earlier.

"Like I said, looks like you do" I smile a sinister smile, making the rat gulp in fear. "Now, you are going to answer a few questions for me rat. And if you refuse to answer my questions, well, let's just say things are going to get messy".....

Sweetheart p.o.v

"Sweetheart, dinner is ready!" My mother cheerfully calls out from the kitchen.

Rising from the couch I make my way towards the heavenly smell. Lasagna is one of my favourite dishes in the whole world! Especially my mothers lasagna.

"Smells amazing mama" I chirp as I take a seat at the dining table next to papa.

"Where is William?" she queried as she placed the plate of food in front of me.

"He said he has to go out for a while" I say deflated. I only just got home from hospital and am feeling somewhat needy after everything that has happened this past week.

As soon as I answered her there was a look of knowing and she didn't press further.

We ate dinner with idle chitchat. The lasagna was as always amazingly delicious.

"Sweetheart , I was thinking that tomorrow we could go shopping together. It has been so long since we had a mummy daughter day. What do you say?" mama asked looking hopeful.

I smile at her "Of course mama! I could use a stress free day".

"Wonderful!" she beamed clasping her hands together. "I love having my daughter back home! Even if it is only temporary".

I just laugh at her and shake my head. Although mama can drive me crazy sometimes, I wouldn't change her in any way.

We finish up the dishes after dinner, making sure to make up a plate of food for William. I say goodnight to my parents before heading upstairs to my room.

Once I step inside I notice a stain on the floor, making me shiver, not wanting to remember that night.

Regardless of what anyone says I still feel as though I am the only one at fault for everything that happened that night.

Quickly distracting myself I head towards the bathroom, stripping off my clothes that smell like the hospital and putting them in the hamper.

I turn on the shower and step inside, relishing in the warmth of the water. I take my time, just trying to relax. After 30 minutes I step out onto the cold tiles and dry myself off. I quickly dry my hair and head back into my bedroom.

From the closet I retrieve my hello kitty nighty and pull it on. Sure I feel like a kid wearing it but it is just soooo comfy!

Sliding into bed I prop the pillow up behind my head. I wanted to wait for William to return home before sleeping. However two hours later I find myself unable to keep the sandman at bay any longer and drift off to sleep.....

William p.o.v

The rat spat out blood onto the floor and began panting like a bitch. "I will ask you one more time before you lose an eye, who did you tell?" I spoke in a deathly low voice.

But once again the rat stays silent. They are dedicated to who they are hiding, I'll give them that.

"Very well, if you don't want to talk...." I trail off as I give a hard look to Parker. He stands from the chair and heads towards the exit.

I turn to Leo and Kane. "Remove an eye and stitch up this rats mouth, maybe a few days will loosen its tounge" I growl as I head towards the door, over getting nowhere with this little shit.

"After everything I have done for you! After all these years! You treat me like this?!" the rat yelled.

Pausing with my hand on the doorknob I take in a deep breath. Before leaving the rat to Leo and Kane I say one thing to the rat "You deserve to rot in hell for the mess you made.... Nancy".......

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