Chapter 18; Skeletons In The Closet (Part Two)

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Hey lovelies, I am SO sorry, I was meant to have this chapter up last night, BUT my computor died on me, SO I went out this morning and bought a new one. :) Shouldn't be any problems with this one, so I hope you all can forgive me and enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 18; Skeletons In The Closet (Part Two)

Sweetheart P.O.V

“So getting right into things, please tell us, how is life in general for you both. Recently married, the Hollywood ‘dream couple’” Amber began.

“Well for me life is pretty good right now. I am in a place in my life that I can truly say that I am happy with myself and the person that I have become. Of course I still have my bad days just like everyone else, but I work through them” I begin my reply. “As for Hollywood’s ‘dream couple’, I can honestly say I had no idea” I laugh embarrassed.

It’s true, I didn’t know this fact, I mean I know that the public and paparazzi seem to be very interested in our private life, but I did not know that we were Hollywood’s ‘dream couple’. “Well you guys are” Amber giggled. “What about you William, how is life in general for you?”

“I can’t complain” William smirks as he tightens his hold on me. “I have a booming business that is developing more and more every day and at the end of a hard day I have a beautiful, loving wife to come home to.”

William was now looking at me. I couldn’t help the slight blush that rose to my cheeks, nor the flutter of my heart as he said that last part whilst looking at me with such loving eyes. ‘Talk about playing dirty. I am supposed to be mad at you!’

“So sweet” Amber looked at us in awe. “Next question is about role models, who is it that inspired you to become who you are today?”

“My mama is mine” I say with certainty. “I grew up most of my life being home-schooled, my mama was my parent and my best friend. A lot of the values I have today as a person are because of her, values that are important to me and ones that I think are great values.”

“Can you give us an example of one of those values?” Amber asked me, interest written all over her face. 

“Well, a big one for me is sex before marriage” I put forward. 

“Wow” Amber's mouth was slightly gaping, a look of shock on her face. “Are you against sex before marriage?”

“Not at all. I believe that if you have found the right person that you feel comfortable with, then there is no problem with pre-marital sex. However for me I wanted to wait until I was married and in a loving committed relationship” I explained.

“Did you wait for marriage?” she asked me curiously.

“Yes, I did” I reply.

“Wow, I think that is great” Amber smiles warmly at me. “What about you William, who inspired you?”

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