Chapter 10; I'm walking on sunshine, or is it broken glass?

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Sorry it has taken so long to update, I have had a fever for 4 days. Yeah it sucked! And when I started writing this chapter I was in Starbucks. That day I got hit on by the cashier which was a little fun. After I had my tall cap I went to sit outside this handbag shop I wanted to look in.

Whilst I was waiting for the place to open I continued writing this chapter. I was then interrupted by another guy hitting on me. He kept on saying how nice my heels are and how they made my legs look great. This guy was creeping me out, so I got rid of him and went back to writing.

THEN, less than 30 seconds after getting rid of that guy, ANOTHER guy came over to me and started hitting on me. ‘Did I have a note on my forehead saying ‘HIT ON ME’? This guy was pretty cute, but all I wanted to do was write, so I kindly got rid of him too.

In the end I didn’t have time to look at the handbags. L I had an appointment to go to. So I went to my appointment and sat down to fill out a form they give you. I momentarily look up from the paper and saw this guy looking at me very intensely, and this guy is HOT!!! I raised a brow at him in question and do you know what he did?

He gave me a playful half smile and winked at me, HE WINKED AT ME! I couldn’t help but giggle a little and shake my head before going back to the form. A man came out of an office and called out some names. I looked up and saw ‘Mr Hotty’ stand up and greet the man.

They began to walk towards the office and ‘Mr Hotty’ looked back at me and gave me one last wink before going into the office. I was then called to my appointment and unfortunately didn’t see ‘Mr Hotty’ again. (Sigh)

Anyway, that was my rant for the day. I hope you enjoy the new chapter that I finally finished after being continually hit on and having a fever for days. <3 J ;)

Chapter 10; I'm walking on sunshine, or is it broken glass?

William P.O.V

As I slowly start to wake from an unusually good night’s sleep, I feel warmer than usual. Opening my eyes I look down and can’t help but smile at what I see. Lying with her head resting on my chest, her arm flopped around my waist, was my little wife.

Flashbacks of last night entered my mind, making me grin and not to lie, stir a little down below. She is still fast asleep, the sheets only reaching the top of her hips, leaving her back fully exposed, except for her hair that cascaded down it.

My left arm was wrapped around her and resting on her waist. I am aware that it is 10am right now, the clock on the opposite wall tells me so. I also am aware that I will have to get up for work soon. Yes, I know it is a Sunday and the day after we were married, but unfortunately my orientation of sorts requires 24hour attendance.

I look back down at my beautiful wife and an idea forms in my mind. A smirk forms on my face as I lean my head down to her exposed shoulder and place a soft kiss upon it. She doesn’t even flinch, ‘not the reaction I am looking for’.

My mouth trails slightly up her shoulder until I reached the spot where her collar bone meets her neck. My mouth then began to nip and suck at it softly. “Mmm” she mumbled as she rolled her body over to face away from me, before snuggling into the pillow beside me.

I supress a chuckle as I roll on my side beside her, shift her hair off her shoulder and let my mouth continue. She lets out a small, soft giggle, wiggling her shoulder a little. My smirk grew bigger as I continued to attack her shoulder…

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