Chapter 37

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I awake gasping for air from the same recurring nightmare of the man in black with green eyes.....

I shakily swing my feet over the side of the bed. 5:43am..... I stand and head downstairs to the kitchen. I pour myself a hot cup of tea and slowly walk to the patio.

It was still somewhat dark outside. I am about to place my tea on the table when a shadow moves beside a tree allong the fence.

I see something silver sparkle as the sun begins to rise. "Who...who's there?" I call out.

A black masked head pops out from behind the tree, causing me to gasp and drop my tea. I felt so scared it made me dizzy and loose my footing.

"Hey!" William grabbed me before I could fall."Sweetheart, whats wrong?!"......

Wiliam p.o.v

I stir from my sleep and reach out for Sweetheart. "Dammit" I grumble when my hand hits air.

Sighing i get up and throw on some sweatpants before heading downstairs. I see her standing on the patio, gazing off into the distance.

"Who...who's there?" She called out timidly.

All of a sudden she drops her tea, it smashes into pieces and she began to fall back.

"Hey!" I quickly grab hold of her before she fell. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?".

"William, he's  there!" She sobbed pointing to the backyard.

I turn her to the side and look into the backyard on high alert. My eyes snap to a particular tree that something was moving behind.

All of a sudden something jumps out.

.....I sigh's just the damn dog....

I guide Sweetheart to the chair next to us and sit her down "Baby it was just the dog-"

"William I know what I saw!" She snapped at me with tears running down her face.

"Baby look" I move aside as the mutt happily came over to sit at her feet.

"But..." she trailed off looking at the backyard and then back to prince.

"It was just the dog baby" I coed. "Baby I'm gonna get you another tea to help you relax, okay?".

"Okay" she sniffed.

I place a soft kiss on top of her head before heading inside.

She is losing it...Must be the lack of sleep causing her to hallucinate.

I pour the hot water into the cup before reaching on top of the cupboard. I pull down the bottle.

I pull out two of the capsules and pull them apart, pouring the powder into the cup.

"What are you doing?" Came the curious voice of Daniella.

"Making Sweetheart tea" i say plainly as i stir in the powder so it melts.

Daniella looks at the bottle "Drugging her?". Her voice was laced with objection.

"She hasnt slept properly in weeks....she is starting to hallucinate...she needs to rest".

"But resorting to this?" She snapped quietly. "Did you ever stop to think that maybe she isnt hallucinating?!".

"Dont you dare feed into her hallucinations" I growl turning around to face her.

"She has a right to know what goes into her body William!".

"Why the fuck do you care?" I snarl.

She looked taken back "I dont....I just hate when what a woman wants is pushed aside for what the man wants....for what the man thinks is the easiest instead of actuallydealingwiththeproblem".

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