chapter 36: no place like home...unless it is invaded.

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"Honey im hoooome!".

And like that my appetite was gone.

I place my chicken down and as calmly as I can rose from my chair.


"In the kitchen!" He yelled back to her.

"Gosh what a day" she sighed sitting on the chair next to William that I just left.

I go to the sink to wash my hands.

"Hi Sweetheart" her voice perked.

I say nothing as I dry my hand and walk out of the room. I want a shower and bed......

12:30am and William still hasn't come to bed.

Sighing I rise from the bed and head down stairs.

"And that's all I could find out!"

I froze outside the kitchen door hearing Daniella's voice.

"I didnt expect much anyway" I heard william say dismissively.

"Dont worry Will...I will see if I can do anymore digging" she placed her arm on his shoulder.

I bit my tongue so not to say anything.

Taking a calming deep breath I hold my head up high and walk into the kitchen,  ignoring the two of them as I fill the kettle with water.

I shuffle my way to turn the kettle on and stare holes into it, wishing it would heat up faster.

I place my camomile tea leaves into the tea pot and go to grab the kettle when a large arm reaches over me to grab it.

"Let me get that baby" william pecked the back of my head as he poured the hit water into the teapot.

I wait patiently for the tea to brew. I place the teaset on a tray and gl to pick it up when william snatched it "i got it".

"Must be nice having a man in the house" Daniella smiled.

"Of couse! I have it all, the looks, the charm-"

"The ego" i mumble under my breath, however by the wicked smirk on his face he heard me.

He takes the tray into the living room and places it on the table. I take a seat and pour myself a cup of tea. I take a sip and enjoy the instantly warm feeling.

"Im off to bed Will, night Sweetheart" Daniella Said as she went to the guest room on the ground floor. So that's where she is staying...

I said nothing as I sip my teah.

"Sweetheart" william sighed as he sat next to me, placing a hand on my thigh. "Cant you at least be civil with her? She is really trying".

I am conflicted. Is she actually trying, because I can't tell...."I will try" I mumble.

"Good" he sighed a chuckle. "Now drink up because you need sleep for our appointment with the obgyn. Tomorrow is a big day!".

He seems so excited to find out the sex. I don't want to know.....

I awaken to the blaring sound of an alarm. I grumble and push my face into my pillow. I want more sleeeep!!!

"Come on babe, time to get up" William chuckled as he sat me up in bed.

I squint my eyes, half awake. Where am I? Who am I? "Nope" I say as I lay back down, pulling the covers over my head.

"Sweetheart" he sighed snatching my warm covers off me. Next thing I know he is lifting me and carrying me to the bathroom.

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