Chapter 21; Home Sweet Home...?

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Chapter 21; Home Sweet Home...?

Sweetheart P.O.V

"Home sweet home!" I quote as we pull into the driveway.

"Babe before you go inside th-" 

"PRINCE!!!" I shout, interrupting William.

There was my baby boy in the living room window, his tail wagging rapidly. Without another word I quickly jump out of the car and practically run to the front door. It was already unlocked so I swing it open and shout "PRINCE!".

Mere seconds later the sound of pitter-patters on the tiled floor sounds throughout the entry hallway, and a not so little anymore fluff ball comes barreling towards me. "There's my baby. Gosh, you have grown so much!" I coe as I bend down and cuddle my face into his soft, fluffy fur. 

"William is that you?" a woman's voice calls out from somewhere in the house. I raise my head from Prince's fur, and to my surprise there is a woman standing at the other end of the hall.

But what had my eyes really bulging out of my head was the fact that this woman was in nothing but her underwear. 'What. On. Earth!'. The woman is undoubtedly beautiful with her long wavy browny-red hair and emerald green eyes. All in which was a strange contrast to her tanned skin. She definitely had the whole 'exotic' look going on. She has all the right curves in the right placed and if I had to take a guess of what she does for a living, I feel as though it would b modeling. 

Shaking my head and thinking how strange I thought it was that I am checking out another girl I close my eyes and open them again, thinking that I may be seeing things because of my strange hormones. But upon re-opening them I find that it is not my hormones playing tricks on me, there is actually a woman in nothing but her underwear in my house.

As soon as her eyes land on me her brows furrow and her face contorts into a look of disgust. "Oh, it's you" she all but sneered at me.

Now it was my turn to furrow my brows, but in confusion. 'Who is this rude person in my house?!'. I open my mouth to give the underwear woman a speech on manners when in someone else's home, but an irritated voice behind me spoke first "Sweetheart don't just run off like that on me EVER again".

Standing from my squatted position I turn to my side to face William. "William, who is 'this'? I ask him in an un-amused tone, gesturing to the woman with a tilt of my head.

William looks over my head in confusion, but as soon as he spots who I am talking about his eyes widen before he face-palms himself. "Daniella, go put some clothes on" he sighs rubbing his face. 'Daniella?! As in the rude woman from the phone-call'. I can feel my blood begin to boil at the realization of the situation.

"Why, you've never complained before Will" the skan-I mean Daniella smirks whilst placing her hands on her hips. 'No, I think I am going to change her name to 'skank' for that remark'.

I turn to look up at William once more, and if looks could kill he would be dropping dead right now with the look I am giving him. William looks down at me warily. "Baby, it's not what you think" he says whilst placing his hands on my shoulders. 

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