Chapter 22; Isn't Talking Overrated These Days?

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This chapter is not edited, so please forgive any spelling errors. Thanks guys and enjoy! :)  <3 J

Chapter 22; Isn't Talking Overrated These Days?

(Continuing in Pierre's P.O.V) 

 "Take a seat William" I command as I walk around my desk to sit in my chair. William does as I say and sits down. I lean comfortably back in my chair. I raise my hand to my chin and stroke it, thinking of a where to even begin this little 'talk'.

"Tell me William... How are things between you and Sweetheart right at the moment?" I start off by questioning.

I see him visibly stiffen before masking it and replying "We are doing quite well".

"Are you sure about that William?" I raise my left brow.

William remains quiet and we continue to sit in silence for a few minutes. "William, I have recently been informed of a few things from my daughter" I state as I rise from my chair and walk towards my bookcase. "And I can tell you now William-" I pause to turn my head, a hard look upon my face."I am not amused".

William's expression remains passive but I can see how much he believes this is not my place to interfere. "I know you may be thinking that this subject has nothing to do with me, but the fact is that it involves the happiness of my daughter so I think I have every right to confront you on this, William. Now, first thing first, you are indeed aware that my daughter is pregnant, no?" I ask without any emotion in my voice.

"Yes sir, I see she has informed you so" he replied tightly.

"To be honest William I don't very much like the idea of my 'teenage' daughter being pregnant" I put my two cents in. "However, I am not going to scold you. You are almost twenty three, as such you are well and truly old enough to begin to raise a family. Also after some discussion with my daughter I realize that this baby makes her happy".

"Does Genevieve know of the baby as well?" he asks in a business tone.

I shake my head "No. Sweetheart wants to keep her pregnancy a secret for a little while longer before telling anyone else. Now, moving onto our next subject-" I sit back into my chair. " This 'friend' of yours. Seems as though Sweetheart does not approve of this 'friend' being in your house".

I see his jaw twitch. "Daniella is just a friend, always has been and always will be. Nothing happened between us whilst she was away for work if that is what you were wondering, I would NEVER do that to Sweetheart!".

I see the determined look in his eyes and know he is telling the truth, however- "William I know for a fact that you once shared an intimate relationship with that woman, not quite that long ago eit-"

I was interrupted when William growled "That was a LONG time ago and I do not appreciate being suspected of infidelity to MY wife. I shouldn't even have to explain anything to you Pierre! Sweetheart and I are having a SMALL argument and WE will fix it together. I don't need anyone else's opinions on the matter and I don't appreciate being under suspicion!".

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