Chapter 17; What Goes Around Comes Around

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Chapter 17; What Goes Around Comes Around


Sweetheart P.O.V

Despite having a slightly sore cheek, I am having a great morning. I descend the stairs, William trailing behind me. As soon as I reached the bottom, the sound of little scampering feet against the tile floor hit my ears. “There’s my little man!” I cooed as I swept Prince up into my arms.

He responded by trying to lick my face. “Let’s get you some breakfast” I stated before placing him back on the ground.

Prince has gotten so big in the past couple of weeks, he is now twice the size he was when I brought him home. I walk into the kitchen and the smell of French toast hits my nose. ‘Mmmmm’. I see Nancy is at the stove cooking and both Jade and parker are both dressed and sitting at the table in the dining room.

“Good morning Nancy” I voice as I near the pantry to retrieve Price’s food.

She turns her head around to me with a smile on her face “Good morning dear, how do you feel this morning?”

“I feel great, thank you” I reply as I reach for the tin of dog food.

“Breakfast will be ready in a minute for you dearie” she says warmly as she returns to her cooking.

I open the tin of dog food and pour the contents into Prince’s bowel. I then fill up his water bowel ad wash my hands. “Smells good in here Nancy” William beamed as he entered the room.

He then came over to me and pecked my lips before wrapping an arm around my waist and ushering me into the dining room, pulling out a chair for me opposite Jade and he sat next to me/opposite Parker. “Good morning Jade and Parker” I smiled.

“Morning!” they replied together before tucking back into their food.

It wasn’t long before Nancy placed a plate of French toast in front of both William and I. We both gave her a thank you before she went back to her work. As usual the food was delicious! ‘Is there anything Nancy can’t do?’

We sat there after we had all eaten everything off our plates, right down to the last crumb. “So, what are we all doing today?” I ask as I look around at everyone.

“’You’ aren’t doing anything, ‘you’ need your rest like the doctor said” William stated plainly.

I pouted at his statement “But that is so boring!”

William lets out a humourless laugh “I don’t care, you need rest.”

I abruptly stood up and grabbed my plate before huffing my way out of the room. Nancy was no longer in the kitchen, probably somewhere else in this HUGE mansion I now call my home, so I wash my own plate before placing it in the dish-washer.

Prince had finished his food long ago and is currently playing with his chew toy that looks like a hamburger in the lounge-room. I swiftly grab the hamburger toy without him knowing, he looked confused as to where it went until I dangled it in his face. “Let’s go play outside boy” I laugh as I walked to the back door.

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