chapter 39

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Hello lovelies!
It's been a hot minute! I hope everyone is doing well <3
Thank you all for your patience with this book. I know a new chapter is long overdue.
We about to get really into it now, so please look forward to the release of chapters over the coming days!

Jas <3

Sweetheart p.o.v

I'm bored...

I sit alone in Williams office, bored. My back and hips are starting to ache from sitting too long.

Releasing a heavy sigh I brace my hands on the arms of the chair and begin the struggle of pulling myself up. After a harsh grunt I had suceeded. I stand and look out over the city that lay before me.

The sun is setting, painting the tall glass buildings a ray of red, orange, yellow and pink.

A smile etches its way onto my lips as I hear the office door open.

"How was your meeti-" I pause mid sentence as I turn, my smile instantly depleating.

Daniella stood before me, closing the door behind her before turning to me, stiff smile on her lips.

"Thought you might be hungry" she states as she raises a large brown paper bag and walks towards me.

She sits on the chair opposite the desk and busying herself with pulling various food  from the bag. The smell of tacos filled my nose, making my stomach grumble.

Begrudgingly I sit back down in the large office chair.

"Thank you" my voice is curt as she hands me a carton holding 4 soft tacos.

"Hmm" she nods before placing a lemon ice tea in front of me and grabbing out food for herself.

"You don't have to stay here if you're uncomfortable" I state before biting into the delicious chicken taco.

"I'd rather be here than in that boring as fuck meeting" she snorts a laugh before taking a bite of her food.

"It's more boring in here, believe me" I sigh, taking a  sip of the tasty ice tea.

"Still better to be around a sane person, rather than a bunch of oversized apes yelling and carrying on over irrellivant things" she grunts.

"I take it the meeting is not going well?" I ask curiousley.

She throws her head back and laughs loudly, startling me a little.

"Bunch of babys, the lot of them" her eyes glittered with humour.

Truthfully  I find it odd that we are having such a normal conversation right now. This is the most we have ever spoken and despite the fact that I still dislike the woman in front of me, I strangely don't feel uncomfortable to be alone in a room with her right now.

"Hows the little one doing?" she asks with a mouth full of food.

"Sitting on my bladder and kicking me in the ribs every two minutes" I chuckle lightly, rubbing my belly, before digging into my second taco.

"Well if he is anything like his dad I don't doubt it" she laughs, shaking her head, looking as though she is recalling a distant memory. "As a kid Will was always up to no good, never sitting down and causing headaches for everyone".

"Oh?" my ears perk up at this little piece of information.

"He was a fucking little shit of a kid" she snickers. "When he was seven he decided he wanted to get a pet, stating he was now old enough for the responsibility".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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