Chapter 26; Invisible Walls

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Warning, lots of spelling errors lol ;)

Okay so I have received some not so nice messages as of late. I know I promised to have this chapter up quite some time ago and I would like to clarify I would never intend to make empty promises. 

Sometimes I wish people would just understand what it was like to be in my shoes. A few weeks ago a family member fell extremely ill and is now in a coma. It shocked me and hit me hard. The past few weeks I have been looking after my mother, trying to make sure she is okay as it is her big brother who is ill. As some of you may know my mother is also ill and I cannot stress enough how much she doesn't need this on top of her own battles.

So looking after the family is my number one priority right now.

Next, I work two jobs people! working 40-50 hour weeks seven days a week and to top it off studying two degrees and trying to make time for my fiancée who is living in a country on the other side of the world to me right now.

So much crap has been loaded off to me that I feel like I am about to have a nervous break down, but I can't because one person in my family has to be strong for the others.

In regards to my book, no I will not be ending it here. Like I have said before writing is my passion, it takes me away from the real issues in my life. So little by little every day I have been writing more and more of this chapter. 

To the person who pointed out that I have been online and reading other stories, it is true, I do enjoy losing myself in the many amazing stories on Wattpad. Am I hiding it, no. Am I trying to fool anyone to thinking I am inactive and ignoring everyone, no. So take that pole out of your arse and get some manners. Bloody oath, do you have nothing better to do with your time then try and tear someone down for your own self satisfaction.

If you are unhappy with me and my work here's a clue, dont read it. dont follow me. I.Don't.Care.

Now I don't want to end this A/N on a negative so to all you people who have been so patient with me and how late this update is thank you. From the bottom of my heart thank you. I know how frustrating it must have been. 

So without further adue, here is the next chapter. 

<3 J

Chapter 26; Invisible Walls

William P.O.V

"She is very lucky Mr Knightly-" I couldn't help but scoff at his choice of words. "and ultimately this has saved both her and the babies life"

"How so?" I asked tightly.

"Mrs Knightly has gestational hypertension, meaning that her blood pressure is extremely high" The doctor explains to me. "It is the reason for the severe abdominal pain she had before coming here. It is also the reason for the bleeding. thankfully we were able to lower her blood pressure once she got here, however we would like to monitor her here for the next three days; just in case. If her blood pressure stabilizes by then, she will be able to go home".

"You must understand Mr Nightly, high blood pressure is a serious issue when it comes to any pregnancy. If untreated and closely monitored it can cause pre-eclampsia, premature labour and even death" a pain hits my heart hearing his words. "Like I said earlier, she is a lucky that her and baby are both now stable. Please also understand Mr Nightly that upon her release from hospital she will be on a week of strict bed rest. Also she is not do do any strenuous activities for the remainder of this pregnancy. Her stress levels must also be kept to a minimum".

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