Chapter Twenty-Six

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Frank P.O.V

I held the little rusting box in my hand, scowling at it. I hoped that it would open, because when I shook it it made a little rustling sound. I dragged it out into the light so that I could see t clearly, holding it up in the air. No lock, no key in sight. Sighing, I figured that I could open it when I got back to the house. After gazing up at the sun for a few moments more, I headed back to the house. The slight breeze still gnawed at my ankles, and my thoughts were doused with images of Gerard. I frowned as I walked, missing him more than ever. I couldn't call him, I hated it when he was angry. I hated it even more when he was being protective over me.

Elena had gone out somewhere, probably to visit another one of her children. She was a good mother- a good second mother to all of them. Especially Gerard and Mikey, I had an inkling that those two were her all time favourites. My left hand brushed the metal of the house key, my right hand tightly clutching into that little box. I had no ideas as to how I was going to open it, but I would spend all day doing so. I had nothing else better to do- other than worry and worry and worry over Gerard. Shoving the key into the lock, twisting, I made it inside. I kicked my shoes off, putting them together neatly by the door. As Elena's house was the definition of 'clean and tidy', I decided that I would add to the aesthetic.

I jogged into the kitchen, placing the little box onto the counter. Fishing in the cutlery drawer, I pulled out a knife that I thought was sharp enough. Why a vampire's cutlery drawer was full, I would never be able to answer. Holding it up to my eyes, I checked the box for any grooves so that I could shove the knife into it. With no luck, I sighed, just imagining that there was an opening. The rust screamed as I felt he knife go into the box, I smiled, using every ounce of my upper body strength to prize it open. The smell of old paper filled my head, eyes greeted by the very thing. There was a lot of it, for such a small box. But, I knew that I would get the pleasure of reading everything in it. Amongst everything in the box, at the bottom of it, was a silver knife. I frowned, holding it up the light.

There was an inscription that I couldn't really make out, it was in a language that I couldn't really understand. I took everything with me to my room, closing the door behind myself. I didn't want Elena to walk in on me wielding a silver knife - she would think the worst I was sure. I set it down away from me, as I tucked my legs underneath myself. The writing on the papers were clear, I could see the pen on the faded paper. I picked up the first one, reading it in my head:

' Monday 11th November, 1994

I almost lost it today. Sitting alone in a dark room for so many days really does make your mind. I've been thinking about how lonely I am, and how lonely I've been since the day I was born. My first mother always knew that something was wrong with me. I was quite sure that homosexuality in those times could kill you in many ways. Whether you were bludgeoned where you stood or you where killed in front of your family.

I look at myself, and hate myself over and over again because I'm different. Why can't I just be like Mikey? His life is so damn normal, and every guy that looks at me is either too old, or finds out about my illness. Is it an illness? Is it a blessing or a curse? Lately, I'm thinking the latter. I love Elena with all of my heart, but I wish that she would've just left me and saved Mikey instead. I would've been happier knowing that he was okay, and he was fine, and that my difficult and tortured life is over.

I'm leaving the knife in this box, because if I don't I may use it in a fit of rage. '

I felt tears pricking in my eyes, it was definitely Gerard's handwriting. The fact that Mikey was mentioned confirmed it. A tear fell down my cheek, I wiped it away sheepishly. I breathed out heavily, looking at that knife. I couldn't believe that he considered taking his own life, and I was overly glad that he had decided to throw his negative thoughts away in the middle of nowhere. It made me somewhat glad that he had seen sense. If he ended it all, he would never have met me. And he was everything to me, and I was everything to him. Sighing, I put the papers back into the box, unable to read anymore. I didn't want to feel his pain anymore, it was too heartbreaking for me to handle.

Thinking about it, having that silver knife, it would probably be useful for Gerard to have. He could kill Damien and his cohort with it. I smiled, content that I would finally be of some use to the entire situation. I didn't know how I would tell Elena, nor did I really want to. She would tell Gerard, and he would come searching for me. Maybe if I left her a note, telling her where I had gone, she would understand?

I expected that she wouldn't, wiping my face hopelessly.
Song Of The Chapter- I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys

I literally just want to curl up into a ball 24/7 lately, and the only things that keep me happy are my butthole of a boyfriend and the fact that I have stories to write- even though I am utterly SHITE at updating lately- I know, you don't have to remind me XD

So, how do you think the story will end?? Let me know ;) don't forget to vote too because it really helps me out ;)

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