Chapter Four

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Frank P.O.V

I woke up before Gerard, admiring his adorable sleeping face. I stroked his cheek with the back of my hand, his arm still tightly wrapped around my waist. My eyes wandered to the window, the sun had begun to rise. It was the perfect time for a run, so I unwrapped Gerard from me. He groaned, one of his pretty eyes opening.

"Where... going?" He slurred sleepily, brow furrowed into a frown.

"I was going to go for a run. I won't be long." I pouted, stroking his cheek again. He closed his eyes, letting go of me so that he could turn over. I smiled, chuckling to myself. I stretched my arms, staying away from the window so that nobody saw me naked. Not that I cared, I had never been so in love with my own body. It was scar-free, and I didn't look like a skeleton anymore. It was probably due to my now stress-free life.

I pulled an old t-shirt out of the chest of drawers, as well as some grey sweatpants. My outfit didn't match, but nobody would be able to see me anyway. With me able to run so fast now. I stretched again, noticing that Gerard was squinting at me.

"You look hot." He whispered, probably unable to see me properly. I shushed him, a finger to my lips. "Try not to cheat on me." He joked, pulling the covers over his head.

"I'll try." I joked, blowing a kiss to him. He couldn't see it, and I hoped that he would go to sleep. It would stop him from being clingy.

Stepping outside, I breathed in the fresh air. I was excited to explore the forest whilst it was still dark, it made it easier for me to run. I didn't have to hide from people as they hiked, or did whatever it was they people did.
I ran through the trees, batting the leaves from my face. I decided that I would look for Gerard's hoodie, even though he told me that he would buy another. It would make me feel better if I found it.
I retraced our steps, looking for that particular spot near the lake. I remembered every single tree that we had past, even the junk on the floor.

Eventually, after ten minutes or so, I found the spot. But there was nothing there. I sighed, if the ranger had found it he would've thought that somebody had been attacked. If it wasn't for Gerard, somebody would've been.
I sat down at the edge of the water, dipping my fingers into the dark water. Maybe I can persuade Gerard to come swimming later, I thought with a smile, the lake brought back fond memories.

I sat there for an hour or so, admiring the sun that was now glinting across the lake. A branch snapped behind me. I brushed it off as an animal, not caring at all. Until there was another one. I stood up quickly, turning to face the woods. It wasn't Gerard, he knew to leave me alone when I went for a run. It was something or someone else. Not wanting to stick around to see what or who it was that was about to approach me, I began to jog back to the cabin. I was conflicted about whether or not to tell Gerard, but I knew that if I do thought about it he'd insist on searching the woods to find whoever or whatever it was that was making me feel uncomfortable.

Nearing the cabin, I noticed something just in front of the door. I slowed to a walk, frowning as I neared it. There was something dark on the floor, and I was confused as to what it was. As I got closer, I realised that it was Gerard's hoodie. Odd, I thought, nobody knows that we live here. I picked it up, eyes scanning each window of the surrounding cabins, each bush. There was nobody. Not even the occasional vacationer. Feeling uncomfortable, I slipped inside, accidentally slamming the door.

"Frankie?" Gerard called to me from the bedroom. I jogged towards him like an obedient puppy, he had closed the blinds in the bedroom. It was dark, but I could make out his shadow in the growing darkness.

"Somebody left your hoodie at the front door." I said, allowing confusion to slip into my tone of voice. I dropped it onto the floor as he pulled me into his embrace.

"That's weird. Nobody but Mikey and Elena know that we're here." He said, rocking me from side to side. I could've sworn that he was still naked, as I could feel something brushing against my leg.

"It's still bloody." I said, as he kissed my cheek.

"Just try and forget about it for now. It was probably a hiker dropping it at our cabin or something, that's all." He said, his words reassuring me. I nodded as he pulled away from me. "You have a leaf in your hair." He noticed with a cute little laugh. I rolled my eyes as he pulled it from my hair.

"It's a cute look for you." He joked, dropping it on top of the bloody hoodie. I smiled, looking deep into his eyes, they were dark. His hair was messy from sleeping, but it made him look more attractive to me. I liked it when he didn't care about what he looked like.

"I'm hungry." He pouted, just as his stomach growled to exaggerate the fact.
Song Of The Chapter- Flickers by Son Lux

I love this story! God it's been so long that I've started to fall in love with Gerard and Frank's characters more and more!

Lemme know what you think?? Don't forget to comment and vote because it helps me out ;)

*P.S- Son Lux are a gorgeous band and Flickers is a gorgeous song if you like originality in music trust me...*

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