Chapter Nineteen

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Gerard P.O.V

I held his hand as we made our way back to the cabin. I wanted to get Frank away from here, somewhere safe where Damien couldn't get to him. I didn't like the idea of him even being able to see him with me. He was jealous, mostly of the fact that I loved Frank more than I had ever loved him. I remained alert, making sure that he or his sister weren't following us. Our old house wouldn't be safe, he knew where that was. Maybe Elena would be able to look after him whilst I dealt with the business. Dead branches crunched between our feet, as we neared the lake. I heard him sigh. I stopped, standing in front of him.

"You know, I really wish that we could swim in there again." He said with a pout. I mimicked him, cupping his cheek. I wanted to apologise for my broken past coming back to haunt me, but it was beyond my control. Maybe when everything was fixed, and Damien and co were gone, we would come back out here. To or secluded little place.

"I promise, when I've fixed everything, that we'll come back. And we'll live here forever. There won't be anybody to disturb us- except maybe Mikey from time to time." I said, stroking his cheek. He batted his eyelids, I couldn't help but kiss him. I held his chin up as we kissed, our eyes closed. I heard him giggle, as I moved my hands down to his waist. "We shouldn't keep making out in the woods. It's still dangerous." I said, pulling away from him. He frowned, linking my arm, as we walked back through the woods to our cabin. It was extremely dark, probably near to midnight. As we reached the clearing where the cabin was, I realised that the lights to Damien's cabin were off. Their truck was nowhere to be seen. I hurried Frank inside, insisting that he stayed within my sight. He nodded, lying down on the couch. I searched for my phone, punching in Mikey's number.

"Yes Gerard?" He said, his tone suggesting that he wasn't pleased to hear my voice. I breathed a sigh of relief, happy in the knowledge that he hadn't been taken by them. I smiled, moving my fringe from out of my face.

"We have a problem. A big problem." I said, trying my hardest not to panic. I heard him sigh over the phone, he had sat down.


"Damien, Reagan- they aren't dead. We didn't kill them. We turned them. Damien can change his appearance, so can Reagan. They've been living in the cabin opposite to us for weeks." I said quickly, hoping that he got a word of what I was saying. I heard him mumbled something.

"For fuck's sake. Where are they now? Are they gone?" He said, clearly panicking. I shook my head, before realising that he couldn't see my body language.

"I don't know where they are. Their cabin lights aren't on at all. I can't see their truck either. What do I do Mikey? What do I do?" I said, leaning against the wall. I looked over at Frank, he was watching me from the sofa. I smiled, blowing him a kiss. He returned the kiss, before resting his hands behind his head.

"Bring Frank to me, I'll take him to Elena's. I'll call her to let her know that I'm coming. We'll talk more here. Lock everything, close everything. Just- keep yourself safe. Keep Frank safe." He said sternly. I hung up, tucking the phone into my pocket. I walked over to Frank, kneeling down next to him. He pouted, as if to ask me what was wrong.

"We have to leave, baby." I said, feeling sad that our secluded place wasn't as secluded, or safe as I had liked. He looked sad, just as sad as I was. But I would do anything to keep him safe, and he knew that. If it meant that I had to be away from him for a while, then I would have to do it. "We're going back my old house, and from there Mikey's going to take you to Elena's." I said, holding his hand. He sat up quickly, looking as though he was about to cry.

"I don't want to be away from you Gerard! Please don't leave me." He begged, his bottom lip quivering already. I shushed him, trying to calm him down. We had both done our fair share of crying this weekend. He had to understand that I was trying to keep him safe from the one person that meant me any harm. The one person that would mean anybody that I fell in love with could die, or be abused. I shook the thought from my mind.

"Frankie, he's already taken some of your blood. Who's to say that he won't drink any more? Who's to say that he won't kill you, right in front of my eyes? Did you know what that would do to me Frank? So you need to understand that Mikey and I are trying to make sure that you're as far away from him as possible." I said, wiping the stray tears from his eyes. I hated to see him cry, it made me want to punch myself for being the sole cause of it all. But he had to understand. He just had to. He nodded grudgingly, standing up so that I could hold him in my arms. I rocked him from side to side, as his tears of upset dampened my sleeves. "You know that I'll always come back for you baby, you know that. So don't think that I won't." I said, listening to that one piercing thought in his mind.

Taking him by the hand, I led him to our bedroom. We packed up his stuff into the bags that he had come with, both feeling that our lives were forcefully being taken away. I had brought him here to keep him safe from dangers, and to keep him safe from himself. But instead I had brought the danger to him- my own past being the danger. He sniffled, zipping up the bag in front of him. I held him in my arms again, telling him over and over again that I loved him, and that I would always keep him safe. Before leaving I made sure to lock and cover every window, and every door. I led him to my car, which hadn't been used in such a long time; it was always faithful to me, it would never leave me stranded. We threw our bags onto the back seat, him slipping into the passenger's seat, me throwing myself down into the driver's seat.

Backing out of the driveway, I looked up at Damien's cabin. The lights were on, his truck was already back. I sped away, holding Frank's hand. Just you wait Damien, I thought to myself.
Song Of The Chapter- Next To You by Alicks

I think some people may be offended by the graphic nature that'll appear in a few chapters or so. It's not smut, trust me. Anyway, I'm sure you'll all enjoy it nonetheless.

Lemme know what you think?? Don't forget to vote because it really helps me out ;)

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