Chapter Twenty-Four

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Frank P.O.V

I woke up, eyes wide open, staring at the dark room. Just a nightmare, that's all, I said to myself, trying to forget everything about it. I patted to the side of me subconsciously, sighing as of course- there was no Gerard. He was out there, killing his ex. Just for me. Or, for a huge sense of gratification. I sighed again, turning over so that I was lying on my front, my face now buried in my pillow. I missed him. I missed him more than words could convey. It hadn't been a week yet, and I already felt as though my world was ending. I wanted to scream- but I didn't want to disturb Elena. That woman was more of a mother to me than my biological one. She made sure that I had blood; the freshest in her stock. She made me smile, showering me with compliments, as she hugged me.

After at least an hour of my brain trying to coax my body back into sleep mode, I gave up. Sitting up in my bed, bringing my knees close to me so that I could rest my elbows on them. I let out another sigh, eyes searching the darkness for something to look at. I thought about going for a walk; even though Elena had instructed me not to. She emphasised that I was still a newborn, and still would be for quite a long time. You couldn't just get used to an immortal, blood-sucking life in the click of your fingers. It took a lot of time for your brain and your body to adjust to the fact that you couldn't just feast whenever you wanted to. You have to pace yourself, and you have to be as patient as possible. I flicked on the tv, admitting defeat. Once again I wouldn't be getting a full night's rest, my mind thinking about Gerard's safety over and over again. There was nothing but crap on tv. Only reruns of shows I had seen too many times. I had seen them too many times to count, feeling slightly ashamed of myself for almost knowing all of the words to every scene.

Forcing myself to lie back down, I wrapped myself up in my blanket. I didn't know why, but I felt like I was safer. I felt like I had the capability to sleep now. I tried to clear every thought of Gerard being in any trouble, replacing them with every happy memory of us being together.


The early morning sun's rays poured in through the window, its heat waking me up. My arm felt like it was burning, as one of my eyes slowly prised open I realised that I was being overly-dramatic. I rolled onto my back; staring up at the ceiling. Only God knew how much I yearned to be with Gerard. I wanted to wake up with his leg wrapped around mine, like he always did. It was his way of making himself feel safe, he wanted to know that I was always there.

I adored those mornings that he would wake up before me. When his fingers would brush my hair out of my face so that he could watch every expression I pulled in my sleep. I loved how I made him so happy, his smiled kept my heart warm. Well, as warm as a dead heart could be. I brushed a tear from my eye, knowing that I shouldn't be crying. He was coming back, he always kept his promises. I had no reason to panic, he was out trying to protect me from somebody that wanted to harvest my blood. Sitting up in bed, I knew that I needed to go for a walk. I needed to clear my mind, only for a while. I had to remain positive. I had to stay away from all of my demons. Gerard wouldn't have liked to see me this way.

Managing to sneak out of the house, I zipped my jacket up, pulling the hood over my head. I didn't want anybody to notice me, even if they were hikers this far up in the hills. I didn't want to talk to anybody, I didn't want any unnecessary conversations. I certainly didn't want any encounters with people in general. I was terrified of going into a frenzy, and not having the will power to get out of it as Gerard wasn't there to stop me from hurting anybody. Tucking my hands into my pockets, I headed for the woods. If I was going to pass the time, and if I was going to distract myself, I needed to go and explore.

Small branches snapped underneath my shoes, leaves fell from the trees. The Autumn morning breeze that pushed me along was calm and comforting. I heard the trickle of a small stream, it beckoned me over to it. Coming to a small clearing, I knew that I was alone. There was no way that anybody would just accidentally come across me- unless they followed me. Examining my surroundings, I came to the conclusion that I was safe. I turned around on the spot, analysing everything in my vision. Especially the small cave, it looked as though somebody had been there once. As I jogged over to it, I found detailed paintings on the old rock. I shrugged, crawling inside. Even though I was small, I wasn't small enough to stand in there.

The small cave seemed to be untouched by nature itself. There were no leaves on the ground, and it was dry. No wonder the pictures were still there. I leant back, admiring the peacefulness of the place, when my hand brushed against something metal. I frowned, turning around, to be met by a rusting metal box.
Song Of The Chapter- The Suburbs by Arcade Fire

Here's a long awaited update! I want to apologise to the people that have been waiting for it- I've had a lot of art work to do over the weekend ): my teacher wants me to get an A, and my mum is hell bent on me getting one ):

Anyway! Don't forget to comment and vote because it really helps me out ;)

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