Chapter Twenty-Five

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Gerard P.O.V

The car journey back to that cabin was excruciatingly slow. From the fresh blood that I had drank, I felt like I could've ran there faster. I growled, gripping the wheel, keeping the murderous thoughts from my mind with images of Frank. Frank. I missed him so much and I hadn't been been away from him for more than a day or so. He was such a huge part of my life, that any amount of time away from him made my routines melt away into nothing. I shook my head, trying clear my mind. I had to remember the task at hand- murdering Damien for the second time, and burning every single inch of his body.

Trees surrounded me and the car, as I turned left onto the dirt road. The atmosphere was wrong. He must've known that I was coming for him, that his end would be dramatically and swift. I wanted to avoid any conversation with him, so as to avoid him taking any chances to manipulate me. I wouldn't allow him to persuade me into doing anything, other than killing him in a heartbeat. The engine still purred as I sat in the driveway to Frank and I's cabin. I remembered the short year that we were able to spend here, until my past came back to haunt me. I should've known that he would be coming back. I shouldn't have taken advantage of how happy we were- something, someone was bound to come back for me.

I cut the engine off, basking in the silence. I was biding my time, watching, listening, waiting for any noise to come from his cabin. He would've known that I was back, alone. He would've recognised my car, having been watching me for so long. A light flickered on in his cabin, I instantly span around in the front seat. I smiled, wickedly, my animalistic tendencies instantly crawling out from the depths of my mind. I chuckled, stepping out of the car, slamming it behind me. I wouldn't have been surprised if he could sense me coming, but he wouldn't have been able to sense how powerful I was.

Heels crunching against the stones as I walked over to his cabin, I could feel my anger bubbling viciously. I growled, hiding it with a cough. I paused as I stood before the door, hand raised to knock on the door. I had no real plan- did I tie them all up and then kill them, or outright kill them? The possibilities were endless, but I had to try and stay human. Also, I had to wait for Mikey to get here. I promised him the joy of destroying Reagan- that snot-nosed little bitch deserved it just as much as her brother. I knocked loudly, letting them know that I was here. I heard the click of high-heels against the wooden floor. I wasn't nervous, as I had expected, in fact I was excited. Very much so.

"Good evening Gerard, how can I-"
It was Reagan, I grabbed her by the throat, leading her inside. She couldn't scream, nor could she suffocate- being dead and all. She hadn't drawn any attention to us, so I dragged her into the little kitchen. I made sure to tie her down, so that she couldn't run off and tell Damien that I was here. I shushed her, her eyes frantically darting from side to side, placing a finger against her lips.

"Where's your brother hiding?" I whispered, crouching down in front of her. Her eyes scrunched up, as if she was trying to tell me something. I stood up, as a hand came whistling next to my ear, I grabbed it tightly. Whoever it belonged to winced, as I twisted it round. I turned, it was Damien. I kicked him to the ground, standing on his wrist so that he couldn't move. "There you are." I chuckled evilly, smiling down at his helpless face, which was twisted into a pained scowl.

"Oh yes Mikey, they're both here." I said to him over the phone. He giggled excitedly down the receiver, I could hear his car.

"Where's Lacey?"

"I have no idea. I guess I'll look after you've gotten here, wouldn't want them to be escaping anywhere."I said with a shrug. Ever since I had drunk that poor boy's blood, I felt like my humanity was dripping away from me. But, given the circumstances, any strand of humanity had to be eliminated. That humanity would give way to weakness, and with him, weakness was not an option.

"Okay, I'll be there in about ten minutes." He said, before he hung up the phone. I sighed, pulling up a chair, sitting in front of Damien. I didn't care for Reagan, so I had dragged her into a corner. Her head had flopped forwards, she was probably in need of a drink. She wouldn't be getting one any time soon. Damien raised his head, looking at me in the eyes. I decided that I wanted to talk to him, and ripped the duct tape from his mouth. He cursed at me, his eyes watering as they stared at me.

"This didn't end up exactly how you planned, did it?" I asked him, using my hand to raise his chin. His teeth were barred, his fangs showing. But I wasn't intimidated at all. I didn't care for his charade anymore, as I had finally won. "Are we not talking?" I asked, making sure that I was always in his line of vision.

"No." He said simply, struggling to form words. Black blood was leaking from the sides of his mouth, from our little fight- which occurred when I was trying to drag him into the kitchen. I hoped that it hurt.

"Well, doesn't it just suck? You were upset that I had moved on from you, that I had found somebody that loved me- not just for my immortality. He doesn't take advantage of me, like you did. So, to protect us both, Mikey and I are going to destroy you." I hissed, letting him know how much I hated him. He ruined my life the first time he tried to be involved in it, and he was again, trying to ruin my life with somebody that I loved and cared for.

"Good for you." He said cockily, as his mouth opened more blood flowed out. I rolled my eyes, putting fresh duct tape over his mouth.
Song Of The Chapter- She's Thunderstorms by Arctic Monkeys

Things get so difficult to me when they get towards the end- but I'm trying my best and if this chapter isn't amazing then I'm sorry but I'm trying ):

Don't forget to comment and vote because it really helps me out ;)

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