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This story contains a bunch of profanities, sexual humor, themes and what not, so if you're bothered with that, don't force yourself to read this.  ̄ˍ ̄

Story rating may be considered as Rated MA for Mature Audience. Warnings may or may not be given on the start of a chapter whenever there's a scene not suitable for readers below 16-18 years old. •﹏•

Every suggestion will be taken under consideration and will be given credit when your suggested idea will be used. (o^^)o

My stories are also not beta'd by anyone, so yeah. ✌

Credits from all images, including the picture of the cover, belongs to the rightful owners. I merely edited the cover, which I found on Google. ╮(╯◇╰)╭


In advance, I apologize if there are any typos and grammatical errors. English is not my native language, it's Tagalog, so, yeah! ﹋o﹋

I hope you readers enjoy the story! ∩__∩


The wide and rather large living room was filled with various noises as a redheaded female switched from one channel to another, finding nothing suitable to fit her need for some entertainment.

Katarina Du Couteau is completely bored out of her mind. She thought about going out to a nightclub to look for a chick she could bring home and bang, but she's too lazy right now. Everything she wanted, it's given to her. Money is nothing but for her and her siblings to usually burn.

With their father as one of the high ranking generals in the military, she has nothing to worry about. In fact, she could snap a finger now and a maid, or maybe a butler, will practically appear and ask her what she may want or need.

The rich life is becoming so boring for her. Being rich, she has no trouble picking up girls. Yes, she prefers chicks, not dicks. Just by telling them that she has a sports bike and has tons of cash, they're all practically throwing themselves at her.

Sometimes, money is all she needs. Well, right now, she needs entertainment.

She feels like she's going to go mad if she stays in the mansion for another night. Usually, she stays out late to either drink, party and have sex with a girl she just met, only coming back home at the morning to get some decent sleep.

The sound of footsteps reached her ears, so she muted the large television and turned her head to the entrance of the living room, where she spotted her adoptive brother, Talon, checking to see if he has everything he may need.

"Hey," She called out, waving the remote lazily. "Where are you going?"

"It's Friday." Talon said, his reply sounding a tad bit senseless.

But, it isn't really senseless to Katarina OR their other sibling, Cassiopeia, who had just walked in from the alternate entrance connected to another hall.

"You're going to that strip club again?" Cassiopeia asked, taking a sip from the glass of water she's currently holding.

"As usual." Was the reply of their only brother.

"Wait a minute, what strip club?" Katarina questioned, not really knowing what her siblings are talking about.

Cassiopeia wanted to scoff at Katarina's clueless self to mock her, but she just decided to answer the question properly. "Talon here is going to this fancy strip club where the requirement to get in is to have money to throw away and a high status in society."

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