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~In The Morning~

Cool wind raced through his hair as the caster board sent him down the street

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Cool wind raced through his hair as the caster board sent him down the street. Ciel grinned at the feeling of speed, it made him feel free and the beautiful sight of the trees passing over him when he looked up made it all the more better. Today was a perfect day to go out and ride. The sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky it was climate at a perfect temperature. It made everything seem peaceful and quiet. Then again, that was not surprising for northern California in Spring. No matter how often he'd experience the serenity he still enjoyed every moment of it. Ciel closed his eyes and took a deep breath of the fresh air before looking forward at the road.

In front of him was his sister-by-bond, Doll. She moved her feet to add speed to her caster board, then stayed still as the board took her away. When she handled a steady speed she turned her head back to look at Ciel "You planning on staying behind all day, Smile?" she chuckled.

He groaned at his nickname. 'Smile'The name itself was contrary to him It was on rare occasion that he did. It was only once did he genuinely smiled at doll and ever since then she baptized him 'smile' "Shut up I'm Catching up" he said. Pretty soon the were side by side. They cruised down an isolated road that led to the private property that was their home. They pulled up into the drive in front of the large mansion where a tall man stood waiting for then. He pulled his hair back putting in a small bun. Doll smiled and waved at him. The man was one of the many people that lived in the mansion. Truly a whole family lived there.

This man, they called him "Joker"- real last name ,Taylor and first name unknown to Ciel- was the one in charge of everybody, the oldest brother, the ring leader. He was the one who took care of everyone and everything, or so Ciel thought. "Hey, princess! I got some news" he folded his arms over his chest and looked straight at Doll.

Doll slowed down as she started riding around in circles, Ciel on the other hand came to a complete stop and with his board in hand took a seat on one of the door steps. "What's happening" She asked.

Ciel looked up to see Joker smirking "I just got a phone call. Black is on his way back"

A second after that Ciel heard a thud and the sound of the caster board sliding against the concrete. Joker laughed, watching Doll pull herself off of the ground, eyes wide open " HE'S COMING BACK!?" she beamed. "When will he get here?"

"In a few hours. Hurry on inside, Bard just finished making breakfast and by the way it's your guys' turn to wash dishes" Joker started making his way inside but stopped just before entering "hey Doll, I forgot to ask, have you told Black about the new addition to the family?" he asked pointing at Ciel.

The boy turned to Doll once more. She forced a laugh "uh..no"

Joker snorted "Good thing I told him on the phone otherwise it would've been one hell of a surprise don't ya think"

 The Family (Modern Kuroshitsuji fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now