"Chris please... I... it's complicated. You know I never wanted to leave you."

"How am I supposed to know that?" I wept against his neck as soon I'm tired from all my crying but still tears streaked my face.

"I... this is new to me. I like you and... it's... fuck, I don't know man." He whispers. "I want you so bad it hurts. I thought about you everyday I was away. You confuse me, you make me think about things I shouldn't think about and you make me do things that are not in my nature.

I don't know if I'm gay okay... I don't even know if I want to be... I'm still figuring shit out but all I can tell you is that... I fucking care about you, to the point where I would do literally anything to hear you laugh... or moan my name or look at me with that fucking shine in your eyes. I would do anything humanly possible to stop your pain... fuck man, I love you."

He whispers the last part of his statement and my body stiffens at his confession. I'm pressed so close to him that I feel him hold his breath, waiting on my reaction and I want to scream with my joy.

"I loved you way before I knew what true love felt like." I murmured against his neck and had to hide my smirk as Damon releases his breath.

He lifts my chin so that we were eye to eye and I don't miss the way his light eyes skims over my face; capturing everything, missing nothing.

"Please stop crying." He whispers once more and my only reassurance is pulling his face towards mine and crashing my lips against his.

This kiss was one for the books... it was different, it was passionate, it held all the words we were yet to say. It was fast and insistent yet slow and meaningful and I morphed against his body as he groaned, grasping my waist in his hands. I straddled his body as I tried to taste the very essence of his soul and when he broke the kiss we were both trying to replace the oxygen stolen from our systems.

"I got you something."

His words were rushed and low and I smiled before stealing a quick kiss.

"I got you something too."

Quickly hopping off of him I walked to my tiny closet and grabbed a large parcel from the back.

"Please tell me it's not my sexuality you got back there." Damon joked and I rolled my eyes before finally getting the large parcel out.

"What is this?" He asked as he came to help me.

"Would you stop talking for once and just open it."

"Okay sheesh, calm down baby."

He smirks at me before giving me a quick kiss and seconds later the parcel is being ripped apart. The look of utter joy on his face and the way his tongue slightly sticks out at the corner of his mouth let's me know he enjoys getting presents. Damon's eyes goes wide for a second before his face changes color and I bite my lips in silent anticipation.

"Chris... I."

"Do you like it?"

"If I like it?"

He places the portrait down gently and comes towards me, pulling my body into him and kissing his way from my shoulder to my face.

Turning The Straight Player Gay. (Book One.)Where stories live. Discover now