"So what. Where's the question?"

"The question is- why? And was that? Did I just read out Rolling Stones band members names?!" He re-read the names to himself, a slight look of being impressed crossed his face then faded to agent grumpy tuna breath sausage dog again.

"Um yes. And why?.... Because they left me off the album liner notes and let everyone think Charlie was a magic drummer who could think up a beat while he was passed out on the floor of a hotel bathroom"

"And two weeks to the day later....."

"It was his anniversary- derrr. He started banging on" I laughed, tuna dog looked blank and didnt get the puny joke "Banging on......" Still blank- dog breathe, oops tuna dog "BangING on, Charlie's a drummer... I'm a drummer.... Banging.... Ha Ha get it...?!?!"

Still blank- dog fart tuna breath "Dont worry forget I mentioned it.... Anyway Charlie started BANGing on about it again. I got miffed...... We're over it now. Water under the wonky- tonk bridge" I laughed but this guy was tedious and I was getting pretty bored by now so I picked the sticks up, he gave me a 'look' and tapped his holster. I shook my hands and shivered mockingly 'oh I'm scared' I mouthed at him.

"Drug charges in Manilla"

"I got off. A mistake that was, the other guy's suitcase and they said it was mine. I think he got shot"

"And Hamburg- Soliciting with known hookers in the St.Pauli Quarter near the Kaiserkeller. Why are you laughing?"

"One, you said Saint Paulie and two, I wasn't soliciting I was saying hi to a friend and lending her some dosh- some cash" 

"Miss Laboriel can you please describe for me the circumstances surrounding this arrest- your perspective obviously" Rogers leaned back in his chair all cocky like.

"Obviously. I remember the night well, it was really cold and Anita was standing there so forlorn and hadn't had a decent meal in days- I was off for the night so was going clubbing with a drummer from another band. I was wearing nice clothes but apparently, I looked like a hooker- end obvious perspective"

"Ok, back to England. I see you were arrested for disorderly conduct. Explanation please"

"I was being disorderly...... ha!! That was with Charlie! Arrr, great night that one."

He stood abruptly and banged on the window.... again.

Johns POV

She sat back down in the chair and you could see the flashes of boredom. She would be wound up tight by this Rogers character soon.

Scratching her back with the sticks, I heard Paul having a muffled laugh behind me. He soon stopped when she complained about the air conditioning, he turned it on though.

Thirty five ok not too young or old like me. I looked at Abe when Rogers said divorced, Abe just shrugged.

I don't like this, its rude and invasive and it's my fault. Although I am learning bits of info.

We stopped smiling when Rogers started on the rap sheet of worldwide misadventures. Paul looked at me when she was blabbing about Madrid, we'll have to suss that one out later unless the FBI do.

"Shouldn't her being related to Abe be enough, can't we just 'pass' her credentials or something" Looking at the hard-nosed agent beside me didn't exactly fill me with massive hope.

"She" He pointed at Rat "Is a loose cannon and could blow this entire situation out of the water"


"Yes her, one night of her type of fun, at a club, and she blabs.... Mr Lennon"

"I'm being re birthed" Abe and Paul sniggered at me "anyway......."

"Look she needs to realise this is serious, she's being flaky and ignorant"

"Look she gets it. That. That is 'her'. There is not going to be an international incident with Cat"

"You, Mr Lennon haven't read that missive of a file"

"You must say it's a pretty impressive file though, am I right" Paul grinned and the agent rolled his eyes.

I let it go, the FBI are a law unto themselves and we were all puppets to their plans. It will be over soon, I'll go back to my life and the FBI will be out of it.

Rogers banged on the window again, that reminds me. "Paul, why do you have a one-way glass window?"

"I was bored, thought it would be fun"

"Board it up after this, mate" I glared at him and he nodded, his 'fun' was ending.

The two agents stood in the corner going over the RAT file, sighing and looking at her swinging on the chair, nearly falling off. She was a piece of work, a good drummer I must admit, and that's why she's here.

"Mr Lennon, I have made a decision. She needs to be sent away for a while. Um alone, only until you are back in public though" He turned away, placing the documents in his briefcase. Abe, Paul and I jumped up and just about tackled him.

"No" Paul was first. The agent lifting his chin to appear more intimidating. "I vouch for her, my responsibility" Way to go Paul, bossing the FBI around now.

"Agent she's all noise, harmless. She won't upset your John case" Abe was tearing up, he was a great bloke. Loved his Rat.

Rogers spoke up now and Paul groaned, he and I both didn't think Rogers would be positive at all. "Can I put my insight into this. Her" His superior was annoyed but waved a hand for Rogers to go ahead "It's stupid but I love the Rolling Stones- a huge fan" I glared, I knew he was a bloody tosser "I have read everything on those blokes and NOwhere has that come up- she has never betrayed them publicly with this stuff even though it sounds like they betrayed her"

Superior boss agent, I keep forgetting his name it sounds like Hernia or Heiney or something, looked at the four of us. Rogers was one of us now. Agent Hernia simply nodded and walk out. Rogers scurried after him; after cold handshakes were given, and received all round, of course.

We all hooted and hollered at the victory. 'That was close' et cetera going around the three of us.

Banging on the one way window crashed our celebration party " If you all don't mind; I would like to go to the beach now!" 

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