Ch. 30

293 11 2

Harry's POV

I feel sick to my stomach, Simon has been gone for almost 5 hours and I've not heard anything, I can't do this, I don't know what is going on, and I know Simon wont answer his phone right now so that is useless, 

I feel like the stress that I'm under right now, is like a black hole, and it's about to swallow me, I don't know how long I can wait, and it's so hard to wait here, not able  to do anything and I've not been told what is going on. 

"he will be here soon Harry, you just need to keep calm and take deep breaths" Vikk tells me as he and Tobi are sitting with me, trying there best to keep me calm, but my blood pressure is through the roof and my breathing is fast.

"it's been 5 hours Vikk" I whisper

"I know, he must be on his way, these things take time"

"something must have gone wrong, what if something went wrong and Simon got killed or something, what if Conor got killed" I whisper, my mind is going to a very dark place as I just see myself as I need to burry my husband, I don't know if I could cope with this, but as I imagene myself having to burry my precious little boy I just burst into tears, I would not be able to cope with that

"Harry, none off this, you need to stay calm" Tobi tells me as he wraps me up in his arms

"I can't do this Tobi, I can't handle this" I confess to him

"you can, it's almost over, you will have him back in no time, just focus on your breathing"

"I can't"

"focus on me, and take breaths with me OK, I will count to five and you will breath in with your nose, and when I say 5, you slowly let it out, with your mouth, just focus on this, you have to calm down, otherwise they will give you something to make you sleep and then you might be sleeping when they get here, you don't want that do you?" he tells me and I just nod as I take a deep breath

"1,2,3,4,5" Tobi tells me and I let go off the breath

"good job Harry, now do that a few more times" Vikk tells me as he is breathing with me

"1,2,3,4,5" Tobi tells me again, and again, and again, I feel myself relaxing a bit, but then I look to the window and I see a policeman, I can't see Simon or Conor, I feel all the panic creeping up on me again, where are they, why are the police here, something must have gone wrong, what went wrong. 

Conor Lewis-Minter (Minishaw)Where stories live. Discover now