Chapter 6 - 20 Questions

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"Would you back off Liam? She's not yours, and besides I saw her first. So you need to calm down and stop acting like you own her." I said before I left him in the kitchen.

"Horan! Let's go!" I yelled up the stairs and left the house.

Once Niall and I were in the car there was silence. "So tension between you and Liam eh?" Niall said to break the silence.

"I don't know what his problem is, honestly. He thinks that she's his, but she's not. She doesn't belong to anyone." I told Niall. He just nodded.

"What's the story between you and Jesy?" I asked him to change the subject. The more we talk about Liam, the more I wanna push him off a cliff.

"Nothing, she's cool. She also let me touch her at the party." He laughed.

"Louis said they were off limits Niall! He's gonna kill you if he finds out." I told him while shaking my head. We were nearing the dorms now.

"Well you're going out with Jade." He pointed out. "We're hanging out! It's not a date!" I told him.

I parked the car and he just chuckled as we entered the dorms. "I don't even know where her room is." I told him.

"Follow me." He said. How does he know where it is? "I bumped into Leigh when I took that girl home. So their room has to be near here." He said.

Just then I spotted Perrie leaving a room. "Perrie!" I shouted.

She turned and looked and gave us a smile. "Hey boys! Jade's in there Harry." She said pointing towards the room she just left.

"Thanks Pez." I said. "That's a nice nickname. I like it." She said.

"See you guys later." She said as she entered a room across the hall. I knocked on the door and Jesy opened it.

"Hey Harry!" She said and gestured for me to come in. "Niall's here too." I told her. Her eyes widened and she looked uncomfortable.

"Hey Jes." Niall said as he entered. "Hey." Jesy said shyly. What is Niall trying to do with this girl? I wish he would just leave her alone. She looks so scared.

I turned towards Jade and she looked absolutely beautiful. "Wow." I said.

"Am I dressed for the right occasion? Where are we going anyway?" She asked.

I couldn't stop looking at her. Even though she was just in jeans and a simply shirt, she was gorgeous.

"Harry?" I heard her say. "Yeah, I thought we could do something fun. Ever tried bowling?" I asked her.

"A couple of times, I'm not very good at it." She said with a smile. "Well neither is Harry, you guys go and have fun." Niall shot.

"Let's go?" I asked Jade and held my arm out for her. She gladly took and she gave me a smirk. "Not a date remember?" She said.

"Yes ma'am! I remember! We're just hanging out." I told her. "Niall! Behave and don't annoy Jesy!" I shot before I closed the door behind us.

I drove us to the nearest bowling arena and I paid for the games, much to Jade's annoyance. "You should have let me paid!" She said as we were putting our shoes on.

"Don't worry about it." I reassured her. The lanes were pretty empty because it was Monday, which I liked.

I can get to know Jade better. I looked up on the screen and it said that I was first. "Are you ready to get beat?" I asked her with a wink.

"You wish Harry!" She laughed. Her laugh was so cute. I could listen to it all day.

I went up and rolled my ball, it hit two pins. That's better than usual. "Ha! I hit two! Beat that!" I exclaimed.

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