Chapter 41 - Many Firsts

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Jade's POV

I meant it; I want Harry to know that I'm all in. I'm ready for this. I'm ready to give all of myself to him. I looked at him and all I could see was shock.

"Harry, please. I want this. I want you." I said to him as I grabbed his face and crashed our lips together. I pushed for dominance and I could tell he was holding back.

He pulled away and turned away from me. "Jade, no. I'm sorry but no. You don't need to do that." He said and looked at me again.

"Harry I want to. I want this. Please..." I begged. Harry's the one for me, I just know it. I know that he's been with a lot of other girls and I'm probably nothing compared to them but I want him to be my one and only.

"I know that you've been with plenty of girls more experienced than me but teach me, show me how to please you." I asked him.

"Jade it doesn't matter if I've been with other girls. All you need to know is that you're the one that matters. You're my last." He told me and kissed me on the forehead.

I'm going to get what I want, "Harry, I don't ask you for a lot of things but I want this. Give it to me please." I begged one more time.

He looked at me and took a deep breath. He pulled me upstairs and we made our way to his bedroom. "You're sure about this Jade?" He asked as he shut the door quietly. I quickly nodded and started taking my cover up off.

He stopped me and kept it on me. He kissed me softly and we slowly made our way to the bed. He parted his lips from mine but only to connect it around my neck. I moaned in surprised and I could feel him giggle.

I grabbed onto his huge arms and it turned me on even more. He slowly laid me down on the bed and I kept my eyes closed as he kept kissing my neck. I can't believe that I'm about to do this.

Harry's about to take my virginity away from me and I'm letting him. He stopped abruptly and looked at me, "I'll be right back." He said and left me alone in his room.

Where the hell is he going? Here am I, full of adrenaline, ready for him to take me then he decides to leave? Well then...

I got up in front of the mirror and fixed my hair, my eyes were red and I looked like a mess. I can't believe I'm losing my virginity looking like this.

I heard footsteps by the doorway and I scrambled to get to the bed. I lay back down in the position he left me in and he barged through the door.

He held up a foil packet and gave me a sly smile. "Just wanted to be safe." He said slowly and made his way towards me. I wonder where he got that from?

He set the condom down on the nightstand and got back on top of me. "Jade... we don't have to do this." He said once again.

I leaned up and kissed him hard. "I want to Harry." I said between kisses. He got closer to me and I pushed myself towards him. He moaned quietly and I could feel him harden on top of me.

"I know you want it Harry. I want this too." I said to his ear before I bit it. I don't know where I am getting this sudden urge of courage but I'm so very thankful for it. I only hope that Harry finds this hot, if not then I'll be embarrassed.

"Hell, you're giving me no choice when you're like that." He said as he lifted up my cover up and threw it on the floor. He ran his hands on my waist and began kissing me below my breasts.

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