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Barry Allen x Reader

Barry always goes to Jitters but somehow always sees a girl there, typing. Boy meets girl, bam!! they fall in love right? Not their story...

DAY 1. It was a Sunday, he had work and she had an entry to write. He decided to stop by a place he's all too familiar with to grab a cup of coffee to go. She decided the same.
He goes for the coffee, she goes there for inspiration. It was bound for the both of them to meet somehow.
That was the day, a cappuccino he ordered to the barista. That's when he saw her, sitting on one of the uncomfortable chairs, the coffee shop had many to offer, her laptop on the square table with a notepad next to it. While her brows were furrowed, an obvious look of concentration, as she typed her delicate fingers on the keyboard.
The moment he saw her face, he was in shock at her beauty, gaping almost. The barista snapped him out of his daze, "one large cappuccino for Barry!?"
The young man shook his head, coming out of his daydream. Taking the coffee from the woman, smiling his infamous smile showing off his pearly whites as thanks.
With one last look at the mysterious girl, he left to go save the day.
DAY 2. He was there yet again, it's officially been apart of his daily routine to get a cup of caffeine before he arrived at his workplace.
'I guess you can say coffee has taken part of my life now,' he would say if anyone commented about it. However, it was true if anyone had the courage to question about it.
When he was in line for the second day that week that was when he saw her, yet again, typing away at her keyboard. Her Y/H/C hair parted on her shoulder neatly, as it cascaded down to her waist [that's how long my hair is lololol].
Barry couldn't help but gape at her, again. He looked at his watch that his adoptive father gave him, sad to go to work now.
DAY 3. This time he went to the coffee shop around the afternoon, it was a Tuesday; one of his favorite days since it's his day off.
That's usually the day where he goes to his day job, S.T.A.R labs. However, today was different, he went to Jitters with his friends today.
Right when he walked in the ornate cafe, with his two friends by his side, he saw her once again.
This time though she stopped typing and looked up at him too, their eyes met for a split second but it felt way longer. As if time stopped, and they were the only two people on this Earth.
Cisco was the person that snapped him out of his daze, telling him that they found a table. It was at least 3 feet away from the stunning girl.
The whole time Barry shared his company with his pals, he kept his gaze on the mysterious girl that he keeps running into somehow.
Every time she would look up to meet his stare, he turns to his companions and played as if he was interested in their conversation. Barry was whipped he didn't even know it.
Caitlin and Cisco noticed, sending a few knowing glances at each other. They didn't say anything until they got back to the lab, Cisco immediately bringing it up. "So who was that girl at Jitters you were staring at?"
Barry just gave his long-haired buddy a glance, furrowing his brows. "I don't know what you're talking about..."
His pal gave him a mischievous expression, "Dude just ask her out." The sentence made the brunet sigh, shrugging his shoulders.
DAY 4. The sentence that Cisco told him kept replaying in his head, over and over. Though Barry tried his best to shake it off.
The brown haired man didn't know that they were going to meet again except this time it wasn't at their usual place.
It was the job where his childhood best friend Iris worked, Picture News. The young man went to pick up his best friend for lunch.
Barry went towards her desk, where he greeted her. She smiled at him excitedly, "Barry! I'd love for you to meet someone," the young woman enthusiastically greeted him without actually greeting him.
He was confused but still smiled his shy smile, and that's when he saw her. Iris gently grabbed her by her wrist, smiling genuinely at her.
The girl's eyes went wide when she saw him, it was the young man she has been coincidentally seeing day by day. Even though she didn't look up the few times he saw her she still saw him from the corner of her Y/E/C eyes.
Once Iris brought her next to her, they were officially face to face. "Barry, I would like for you to meet my new colleague Y/N."
After looking into each other's sparkling eyes for a moment, they finally snapped out of it and introduced each other. "H-Hi I'm Y/N Y/L/N." She politely extended her hand for him to shake.
He charmingly smiled, showing off his pearly whites. "Um...Barry Allen," he shook her hand, butterflies erupting in both of their stomach's. "Nice to meet you."
DAY 5. It was work day now, waking up at seven AM has been his usual wake up time right about now.
He went to Jitters once again, then he saw her. Y/N, since he knows her name now and she knows his.
When he saw her, she looked up from her computer screen, smiling at him. He smiled back. Then checked his watch, luckily he had about ten minutes to spare especially since he is the fastest man alive.
He pulled up the chair across from the girl, almost immediately capturing her attention. "Hey," Barry chuckled nodding his head at her.
"Hi," she shyly smiled at him.
There was a moment of awkward silence between the two, then Barry asked the question he has been dying to ask her ever since he saw her. "Why is it that every time I see you, you always seem super attentive towards your computer?"
She licked her lips before speaking, a habit she's picked up recently. "Well, I'm a writer and I recently started working at Picture News. Aside from actually doing my job, I like to write."
He seemed mesmerized by her, "But why write here?"
Y/N looked around the cinnamon smelling cafe, smiling then looked at the cute boy in front of her, who's looking at her like she's the most beautiful girl in the world. "I come here for inspiration." The girl shyly muttered, rubbing her neck with her hand.
One thing Barry knew in that moment, was that he was absolutely awestruck by this girl.
It just took him five days for fate to finally tell him to ask her out, but what do you say? Fifth times a charm.

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