Intermission Talks

710 13 12

Jack's POV:

I got up before (Y/N) the next night miraculously and let her rest in top of me for a little bit longer.
Man and I thought I was small.
She's like 17 ½ cm shorter than me... what's that like 7 inches in America?
I don't know.
Ugh... I feel awful about it but I've gotta wake the poor thing.
I sat up gently with (Y/N) on my chest still and leaned against the couch to steady myself before clearing my throat.
"(Y/N)...? Hey... wake up, Lass..." I gently shook her shoulder, and spoke in a soft voice to carefully ease her from her sleep.
She took a bit more time before groaning and letting her eyes crack open. She looked at me through half lidded eyes, "What's wrong...?"
"Nothing's wrong. It's just time for the second night. Come on, little lady, we gotta get up," I joke and help her sit up. I'm not afraid anymore. I had time to think after she passed out and she hasn't given me any reason to mistrust her and she doesn't feel like metal. Her skin is normal skin and it's soft and warm and smooth and-
Whoa whoa whoa.
Back the truck up, park it, turn it off, take out the keys, and walk away.
I just met her! I can't possibly be interested.
No but imagine how her blood must look... crimson and rich... it'd stain her beautiful skin an absolutely beautiful shade?
Not much time...
Not much time at all...

(Y/N)'s POV:

Ugh I don't wanna get up.
Jack's so comfy and warm...
"Come on, kiddo, time to get up..." He joked and shook me again.
"I'm not a child, Jack..."
"Well you're actin' like one, Lass."
"Shut up..." I groan and sit up finally, shooting Jack a glare before getting off of him.
I stood up and stretched, looking around the room for something to wear over my horribly embarrassing pajamas.
Not to mention it was cold and walking around without any shoes was probably a bad idea here.
"Do you see clothes around here...? Like a jacket or shoes?"
Jack looked at me and then looked around.
Holy god.
His eyes...
What happened to them...?
They looked so... cold... and angry...
Or maybe... predatory...?
"Oh! Over there! Check the closet," his eyes went back to their normal happy state before he pointed at the closet with a smile.
I shoot him a questioning look before gently walking over to the closet and opening it. I look at the contents and noticed a hoodie so I grabbed it and pulled it on over my t-shirt. I rummaged around some more and accidently hit the shelf above me. Something rattled and a pair of shoes fell down...
And hit me on the head.
I cringed and collapsed on the floor when the first one got me and yelped, alerting Jack on the other side of the room.
Jack ran up to me and helped me to my feet, "You ok? What happened?"
"Yeah... I'm fine...," I cringed and looked at the shoes on the floor. They were winter boots but were a girl's thank goodness.
I slipped on the boots that heavily contrasted my really short PJ pants and sighed, "At least I found something."
"Yeah. Now come on, Girlie. We've got animatronics to babysit!" Jack shouts and grabbed my hand with a huge grin.  He pulled me over to the door that opened into the elevator and I sighed.
"Do we have to, Jack?"
Jack hesitated at that. His happy facade crumpled and he sighed. His shoulders dropped and he turned to me.
His eyes were tired and slightly pained.
"Do we have a choice?"
That cut deep.
His voice was flat as if he wasn't himself.
"Jack...? Are you ok?"
Jack looked at the floor and shook his head. He gently stepped forward and pulled me to himself.
"I'm scared... and I just want this to be over with... bad things are happening here and I can feel it in my bones. I hate it..." he admits and holds me close to himself for comfort. I could tell that there was one other thing he wanted to say but didn't.
I won't pry.
I gently put my arms around him and let one hand move up enough to gently let his hair as a comforting gesture.
"It's ok... I'm scared too. And Mark is also scared. But we all have to brace ourselves for the worst and get ready. All we can do is wait and hold onto each other until we see the horror truest trapped here. Don't break down on me yet, Hon," I gently comfort and rest his forehead on my own so that he's looking me in the eye.
He's quiet but he shows understanding in his eyes. I feel his arms around my waist getting tighter and smile softly. I know he's scared but we have to survive.
It's all we can do.
I let him stand there and hold onto me for a little bit. He makes an occasional whine or grunt as he thinks and calms down.
Calming down Jack was kinda easy this time but I fear for if he actually full on panics.
He let's go eventually and takes a step back with a soft smile.
He leaned forward and cupped my cheeks to look up at him before pressing a soft kiss to my forehead where his was a few seconds earlier.
Blushing, I stumbled upon a response to that which made him laugh.
His eyes finally filled with a genuine joy and I smiled at him, glad to see the change.
He grabs my hand, "Ok. Panicking over. I'm ok now."
"Good. Now we can start the next day. But remember, no matter what happens. You have Mark and I to help you. Speaking off the deep voiced son of a biscuit, we should go see if he's ok," I laugh, and squeezed his hand comfortingly before taking a shaky step into the elevator. Jack stands there hesitantly but finally filled me after a bit of encouragement. He stands close to me and holds my hand tightly as the large metal doors slide closed.

Bring it on.
We're ready for ya.


Finally got this done! OMG I'm sorry! I was out sick but I'm doing much better now so thanks for the patience! I hope you all enjoy!


Bye Bye! *Blows kiss and waves goodbye.*

Inside The Game (JackSepticEye X Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon