She's Not What She Seems On The Outside

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Jack released my face and moved away silently, his eye not leaving me. He crawled backwards much like I had done to him earlier. His back his the wall and Mark could be heard over the intercom asking if he was alright.
"Whoa, hey, Jack what's wrong? Are you alright," Mark asked. He sounded so concerned. His voice shook a bit as he asked his questions but Jack didn't react at all.
"...J-Jack...? What's going on...," I asked, reaching a hand out to him carefully. He flinched.
"S-Stay away!"
I gasped at his outburst before pulling my hand back to myself, "What?"
He was screaming at me now. He looked so scared. Why is he so scared?
"JACK CALM DOWN! What's going on? You're panicking! He'll come out if you do that," Mark yelled over the intercom at Jack. He looked up slightly at Mark's voice. He didn't speak but looked back at me. I blinked in shock. What's going on?
"You're not... you... she'd not...," Jack tried to speak but seemed to be having a hard time stringing his words together. Eventually he just got up from his spot on the ground without a word, still not having his eyes leave me. He backed up over to the elevated keypad with the red and blue buttons.
He reached a hand up cautiously to the keypad and hovered his hand over the top button.
"Jack! What's going on?"
Mark just kept asking but Jack wasn't responding anymore.
He pressed the button with a lightning bolt on it.

Jack's POV:

(Y/N)'s scream ripped through the tense atmosphere. It was horrifying.
She was in pain. She was in so much pain but... it was just a test. I didn't even know if I was just seeing things or if she really was one of them but this just proved it.
"What the...," Mark's voice was shocked, slight anger trickling into it as he was assumingly watching (Y/N).
Said "girl" was on the ground, writhing in pain. She screamed as an electric shock pulsed around her. Her eyes were shut tightly, masking their beauty from sight.
"JACK WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST DO," Mark yelled over the intercom, the sound of a fist pounding against something was heard soon after.
"Mark, she's one of 'em... She's not human...," I said, trying to make Mark understand without saying it flat out, "That shock only affects them."
Mark grew silent and (Y/N)'s pained breathing was the only sound in the room other than an electric buzz from the machines and lights. She rolled over on her back to face up, twitching slightly with a pained look on her face.
She's so cute when in pain.
Shit. Just calm down. Deep breath Jack.
"Jack what the fuck is going on? What did you do to her," Mark asked cautiously, seeing that I was have a bit of an internal struggle.
I felt sick.
"Mark don't you get it? She's a fucking animatronic. She's probably just some piece of this hell hole made to trick us then kill us!"
Her hands. They weren't real. They were ice cold and looked just like that ballerina's hands from the other room. Her face looked normal but soon you realize that both corners of her mouth had thin separations from the skin and looked like how a marionette doll looks. Her eyes were glassy and glossed over like how eyes on creepy ceramic dolls were. But yet despite that, they're still beautiful and seem like that actually hold some sort of emotion. It was mostly pain mixed with betrayal. She looked like a mannequin that could feel emotions.
"Jack calm the hell down! You just hurt a poor girl who hasn't done anything wrong to you! She was trying to be kind to you! Christ Jack, we gave her a panic attack and you just go and shock her like that's normal," Mark shrieked at me through the microphone, "In what universe does it suddenly become ok to hurt anything? Robotic or not? Especially if the other made no threat to harm you?"
He's right...
She gave me no reason to distrust her. Or hurt her. Or scare her either... but I just did it without even thinking!
I'm a terrible person.
Come on Jack. You know that she looks absolutely wonderful like this. Scared with her face contorted in pain.
"F-fuck...," I muttered, putting my hand to my head to signal to Mark what was happening. I heard him gasp and mutter to himself but I didn't quite catch what he'd said. My right eye was starting to burn.
I've gotta get away from (Y/N).
I faintly heard the intercom voice of HAND-UNIT saying I could leave now so I bolted to the vent. I can't stay in here or I might hurt the poor thing more than I already did.
"I... I-I need to...," I tried to say I needed to leave. (Y/N) had calmed down finally on the ground but made no effort to move and get up. She stared at me with hurt and betrayal in her eyes.
I felt awful.
I did this to her.
I hurt her.
Wait... I thought robots can't feel pain...? But she... she looks like one... but is she really?
"Jack. You need to calm down and take a deep breath. Please," Mark calmly said, I could hear the struggle in his voice. He was trying to suppress just as much as I was, "You know what will happen if you panic."
I nodded slowly, sinking down to my knees in front of the beautiful girl I had just hurt. She backed away from me, moving close to the corner on the opposite side of the room, facing the windows displaying Baby's stage. Her small hands held herself close.
"P-Please... d-don't come any closer...," she nearly cried. Her voice small and cracking since she was attempting to hold back the tears.
"(Y-Y/N)... I-I'm sorry... I-I was j-just scared... I-I didn't want to hurt you...," I said back, lightly moving closer to her. I stretched my arms out to lightly cage her to the wall, seeing her start to breath fast in fear but she can move at any moment. I was only barely touching the wall since I didn't want to fully trap her. The poor girl was scared enough, "C-can you please... please forgive me? It's ok if you don't want to... I-I hurt you a-and you have every right to be scared or angry... but please... listen to me..."
She looked at me in the eyes, pulling herself into a tight ball. She looked down and seemed to be thinking. A tear finally streamed down her cheek.

And then she nodded.


Hey ya everyone! New chapter! Woohoo!!!! Yeah! Ok anyway, I'm glad I finished this finally. Yay! Secrets! I can't tell you guys anything yet but I hope that this satisfied that cliff hanger from earlier. I'm so glad I've caught all of the people willing to read and comments attention. It really does make me feel good to know someone actually enjoys this but I'm thrilled to see that there's more than one! Thank you all so much for your support and attention!

Bye Bye! *Blows kiss and waves goodbye.*

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