Panic Attacks

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Neither of them responded to that. Jack stayed quiet, looking almost more pale than earlier. Mark on the intercom finally broke the silence after a bit.
"Um... we don't know. We know just about as much as you do, (Y/N)."
Jack nodded, "Mark's right. We have no clue. I was kinda hoping you would've know what was going on."
"What?! Neither of you?"
Jack looked ashamed of himself and ran a hand over the back of his neck. I don't know what Mark looked like but I can almost bet that he was probably doing the same thing.
"Don't worry. We'll figure out what's going on," Jack said hopefully, trying to stay on the bright side of things in the gloomy atmosphere.
Great. So we're stuck in some factory, underground bunker, or something and we're stuck here... I don't even know these people. Not to mention I just HAD to meet some cute guy in my pajamas. Could I have chosen worse things to wear to bed?
Yes. Yes I could've.
However that didn't excuse the fact that I was wearing probably the shortest pair of shorts in existence. They were my favorite pajama shorts. White with adorable cookies wearing glasses all over them with speech bubbles that say, "I'm a smart cookie!". Pair that with a low cut blue t-shirt that fit my body nicely and BAM! You've officially embarrassed yourself in front of someone.
But anyway, here I am. In a dark room. Without knowing where I am. Or knowing who Jack is. Or Mark. Or if I'l ever see my family again. Or the sun. What time is it? What brought me here? Who was talking before Mark?
These two guys aren't tricking me are they?
....What if this is all some stupid prank...? O-Or a kidnapping....
I began to breath quickly as I began to hyperventilate. Despite how I look, I have terrible anxiety. I don't know where I am, who these people are, what I'm doing here...
'No no no! NO! I can't! I can't deal with this! Let me out! I wanna go home!'
Jack seemed alerted by my sudden breathing.

Jack's POV:

'What the-'
She's... Oh fuck she's panicking.
"Whoa whoa uh hey hey no um... wait uh-" I start holding my hands out in front of her to steady here when she began swaying. Oh hell this ain't good.
"Jack? Jack what's going on? Is she ok? What's wrong with her," Mark said from over the intercom. (Y/N) backed up to until she couldn't go any farther back due to the control panel. She put her hands over her head and shook it. She was muttering to herself as she attempted to hold herself together.
"I think she's having an anxiety attack! H-Hey um... (Y/N) calm down please... We're going to be fine," I tried to gain her attention by grabbing onto the hands she had on her head. She flinched at shot her head up to look at me. She looked completely terrified.
"W-We're stuck here forever! W-where are we? Who are you people? Why am I here," She yelled out so many questions in a panic that I was having a hard time keeping her calm. She was breathing heavily as she was trying to calm herself down but it didn't seem to be working. She put a hand on her chest from what I can only assume is her not being able to breathe.
Her legs were shaking before they gave out on her, making her fall to her knees on the ground. I quickly crouched down in front of her, Mark's voice sounding panicked himself as he asked if (Y/N) was ok and what was happening.
I put my hands on either side of her face to force her to look at me.
"(Y/N). Calm down. Just breathe with me. Deep slow breaths. In and out," I aided her. I took in deep breaths to show her what to do. She'd started off pretty shaky but once she got the hang of it she was able to breathe normally. Her shoulders moved up and down with every deep breath and her chest moved as well. Her body relaxed as she calmed down. Her (E/C) eyes locked into my bright blue ones as she finally relaxed again.
She's got some beautiful eyes... They practically looked like-
Before I could even finish that thought, I noticed something strange about her.
Her eyes... they didn't... and her face...
I looked down at (Y/N) hands.
Oh my god...

(Y/N)'s POV:

"T-Thanks Jack... I'm sorry I freaked out. You too Mark. I'm sorry if I scared you," I said, looking up at the ceiling where Mark's voice was coming from.
"It's ok. You just startled us that's all. Are you ok now," Mark asked over the intercom. He was cut off by that robotic voice from earlier saying that Jack still need to "administer a controlled shock" to "Baby".
"Shut up you stupid AI. I'm in charge now! I have directions next to me," Mark said, then some rustling sounded from the intercom.
"What do you mean you have directions Mark?"
"Like- I have this book next to me that has all of these instructions for "The New Employee". It's basically been all of what HAND-UNIT has been saying. Like everything he's said is writen word for word in this book. So I guess if I can find a way to turn off the damn thing then I can take it's place."
"Great. So we have some sort of lead on what we're supposed to do," I said, still looking up at the ceiling. Or at least I was until I realized Jack still had my face in his hands. I only remembered because I couldn't completely look at the ceiling without Jack removing his hands from my cheeks.
I looked down from the ceiling to see Jack still staring intensely at me. His bright blue eyes were wide. He looked kind of scared now and he wasn't moving. He was frozen in place like he'd just seen a ghost.
'What's he so scared of...?'
"J-Jack are you um... are you ok?"


New chapter!!! Booyah!!! Ok anyway, I hope you enjoyed this. Sorry I left it off on a cliffhanger but I can't let you guys know everything yet! That would be boring! I got caught up in school so I wasn't able to work on this one but it's up today and I'm so excited to see what you guys think. Or at least assuming that people care enough to comment. There was a very wonderful person in the last chapter that was absolutely wonderful and left me my first comment on this! So GalacticPieceOfToast if you're reading this, thank you so much for your feedback!!!

Bye Bye! *Blows kiss and waves goodbye*

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