Freddy's Here

538 11 2

I leaned against the heavy metal door, holding (Y/N) close to my chest and sighing. I looked her in the eye after a minute, allowing Anti to take over my eyes to show off the difference in color.
I felt my left eye burn and I could see the soft glow around it from my other.
"This is Anti... He's like... a demon that can only exist in me. I'm a vessel. I'm human but Anti lives in the back of my head, using my body whenever he gets the chance or if I need him. If we're in danger, he'll take over because his possession causes my body to become more resilient. I can lose more blood without passing out and I can take a hit a lot better without permanent damage," I explained and saw (Y/N) staring at Anti's green eye rather than my blue one, "Would you like to say anything, Anti?"
Not particularly. I've scared her enough.
"Don't be rude."
I'm a demon, dumbass.
"Just say hi, you jackass."
(Y/N) watched my conversation with skeptical eyes, seemingly weirded out by me talking to myself since she can't really see Anti other than in my eye.
"Hi...," Anti said awkwardly. We have different voices. Mine isn't as low as his. When he and I are fighting for control his voice gets really high pitched and scratchy but if I allow him to speak his voice is lower, raspier, and a bit echoy.
(Y/N) noticed the obvious difference and her eyes widened, "Hello..."
"I'm... I'm sorry about... you know...," He forced me to look away and at the floor, not wanting to look her in the eye.
"It's... it's ok... I know why you did it."
I could feel the shock Anti felt and he slightly looked back.
"Yeah. It's fine."
Anti smiled, making a small smile appear on my lips.
The girl in our hold smiled back, although a very clear "What even is happening" look was clear in her eyes.
I don't blame her really. This is a lot to take in all at once.
I allowed her time to process and looked around the room. Sparks were flashing from a bunch of hanging wires and machines. A podium with what looked like a map was in the center of the room under the glow of a red emergency light. A large shadow could be seen in the background.
It was just a dark outline but I could see that it was one of the animatronics.
Damn it!
Which one is it?
Freddy? Foxy? That weird baby thing from earlier?
I watched it closely seeing that it wasn't moving. I allowed Anti to use our body for a moment.
(Y/N) watched us change this time. My eyes burned and I felt my teeth get sharper. My nails grew a little and caught on (Y/N)'s shirt, probably poking her. I felt my neck tingle, knowing that my cut was forming from when Anti tried to kill me when were younger.
I saw (Y/N)'s face grow interested but frightened. Then again, watching someone become a demon probably isn't a pretty sight.
Feeling Anti use his power is weird. It gets so cold. Our body displaces, like we're physically in one place but mentally in another as he looks around in places I can't see.
He checked the shadows and growled once he got back.
"The bear. It's not moving but I don't trust it," He informed both of us and let me take control again, changing our appearance back to my natural human one.
I carefully picked up the girl in my hold and put her behind me once we stood. I watched the bear close in the flashing light as I lead (Y/N) to the control panel in the middle of the room. It looked like a tablet but it had a map on it of every room in the building. There was a little message that explained that we needed to manually restart the systems and to turn on the recording if Freddy gets too close.
I shrug a little and look at our comapinon, who's reading about what to do before softly placing her finger on the first option. We watched the percentage next to it rise but three bars labeled "Danger Meter" caught my eye. It was pretty high so I looked around, seeing Freddy about 10 feet closer than he used to be,
"SHIT. Recording!" I looked around and found a small black box, pressing the play button on it and managed to hear a Harley Quinn type voice leave it. I took (Y/N)'s hand off the control pad just in case.
"Everything is ok! Just go back to your stage!" It said in its happy go lucky sounding voice.
Freddy seemed to understand it and backed up during every flash of sparks until he wasn't near us anymore.
I let (Y/N) continue what she was doing, trying to get the power on as fast as possible while I caught Freddy. His voice was loud and insane sound which is saying a lot coming from me. I felt nerves getting to me as I watched the bear go back and forth from me to the back of the room.
"I'm almost done, Jack!"
"Hurry! I think he's getting restless!"
"I'm trying." She panicked and continued to fix the power while I warded off the giant teddy from hell and it's satanic hand puppet.
Anti and I managed to keep him off (Y/N)'s ass the whole time, not caring really if he got close to us since Anti could take over and rip him to pieces.
But that would probably throw this entire game off if he did so I kept him from doing that.
I don't need a Dead by Daylight butterfly effect thing effecting this game.
My hand held tightly onto (Y/N)'s right hand while she used her left to bring the power back. She didn't even look up due to her having done so once and freaking out at the sight of Freddy being so close.
"CoMe On BON-BON!" It was shouting in a weird voice that would change octaves every few words.
(Y/N)'s hand would shake every now and again from her fear of when he got really close to us.
I let Anti use the shadows to block Freddy and try and hold him back the best we could but we needed to finish up in here as fast as possible.
I flipped on the recording, making Freddy turn around and leave.
"How much more?"
"One more!"
I heard the beeping of the power being restored in the last room and growled. This one is longer than the others.
Freddy seemed upset by that and started stomping over again, not stopping when I played the recording.
"Shit, (Y/N), Freddy isn't stopping!"
I tried putting up Anti's barrier but it didn't work, Freddy just passed right through like it didn't even bother him. He was around 10 feet away.
I looked back at Freddy, swing his smile illuminated in the dark and felt a chill go up my spine.
He wasn't looking at me.
He was looking at (Y/N).
"Come on, Tin Head! Look at me!" I tried to get his attention but nothing happened. He just continued his inhuman march towards my animatronic looking friend.
I tried putting the barrier up again with Anti but it didn't work yet again. What's happening...?!
I moved to stand with (Y/N) pressed into my back, protecting her the best I could for the short amount of time we have.
I closed my eyes and wrapped my free arm around (Y/N)'s waist behind me and cringed, waiting for the pain.
There was a sound of something whirring to life as I waited. But it didn't have to wait too long.
"100%! We did it!" (Y/N) shouted, moving a little before screaming. I opened my eyes and saw Freddy standing a foot away from me, staring at us with cold, dead, unmoving eyes. His arm outstretched as if to grab my head since his paw was inches from my face.
He had stopped moving just in time.


Finally got to write this!!!!! Wooo!

Bye bye! *Blows Kiss and waves goodbye.*

Inside The Game (JackSepticEye X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن