Game Worries

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Jack and I woke up together, sluggishly removing ourselves each other from our grips, rolling off the floor and onto the floor to wake us up.

Jack was the first to stand up and stretch while I continued to lay on the floor like the lazy lump I wanted to be at the moment.

I listened to Jack whispering to himself, sounding like he was complaining a little to someone, most likely Anti, and waited until I had to get up.

I looked around the room and noticed a small picture on a bookshelf. It was of a little girl hugging a man and woman.

They looked like such a happy family.

There was a different picture next to it of two young boys and a man playing at the beach.

"What's that?" I heard Jack ask from behind me.

"It's a family I think. Maybe it was the people who used to live here." I answered, not looking at him and seeing the final picture frame.

It was of just the young girl.

'Daddy's Little Angel' was written on the wooden frame and a metal tiara was set next to it. It probably belonged to the girl in the picture.

I picked up the tiara and noticed that it was a little tiara attached to a headband.

'I'm sure the family won't mind if I try it on for a second.' I think and carefully place it into my hair.

It's a little snug since the headband was made for a child rather than an adult but I didn't mind all that much.

"What's with the crown?"

Jack walked up behind me and I could see him in the reflection of the glass on the picture frame.

"I think it belonged to the girl in the pictures. It was just sitting here so I wanted to try it on."

"Alright but put it back. We have things to do, Princess."

I rolled my eyes and took the tiara off my head and set it back on the shelf.

I turned around to face Jack. He was holding his hand out to me with a grin on his face, "Milady."

I suppress a smile before taking his hand, curtsying, "Why thank you, Sir!"

Jack lead us over to the elevator and it opens pretty quick. We stepped in and the door closes slowly behind us as if mocking us that we were going to be stuck in here.

I let go of Jack's hand and leaned on the wall of the elevator, feeling it begin to move.

I looked at the floor for a second and noticed my vision was getting dark. I was still able to hear around me but for some reason, I was slowly losing my sight.

A soft voice filled my head.

"Daddy, just once, let me go play with her. She's so pretty and shiny! Didn't you make her just for me?"



I jolted at the sudden voice and looked up, Jack was standing in front of me with a concerned look on his face.

"Uh... yeah?"

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm just... tired..." I make up an excuse.

Jack looked unconvinced but was cut off when he went to ask a question.

"Morning, you two." Mark's tired voice entered the room over the intercom.

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