Cubby Holes

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Jack's POV:

"Is it the same person?"

Oh, there's something there...

I started breathing a bit heavy in a small panic but I need to keep calm. If I don't then no one will be here to protect (Y/N).

"No...," She whines fearfully, cuddling closer to me to try and calm herself.

"Shh... It's ok...," I told her in the softest voice I've ever heard my voice sound like. Typically I shout but for once, it was like my voice wasn't there.

I noticed something move in one of the holes in the steel door blocking us from the outside and tightened my hold on her.

That was until we both nearly shrieked when a horribly loud tapping sound rang out on the door. It sounded like a small piece of metal being tapped on the door. (Y/N) spoke up quickly and quietly.

"I-Is it... I-Is it an animatronic?"

Her voice... it's so small and scared...

"I-I don't know... b-but don't worry. The voice said that we'll be safe here."

"The voice?"

"Wait you didn't hear- shit!"

The door was sliding open right behind (Y/N)'s back. I removed my arms from around her and grabbed the door. I pulled on it as hard as I could to keep it closed.

"No! This is our cubby hole," I shouted and dragged the door back into place with both hands, letting (Y/N) cling onto my chest as I struggled to hold the door closed, "You are not allowed to come in here with us and can fuck off!"

Jack. I'm serious. You need me right now. She's going to get hurt if you don't.

Damn it... God damn it...

I hate having to do this...

But I have to.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I felt Jack's arm go around my waist again instead of holding the door closed and I tried to look at his face to ask what was wrong. Jack pulled me as close as possible, which pushed my face into his chest so much that I couldn't move.

"Jack... Jack, can't breathe," I tried to move my face around to be able to breathe. He wasn't letting me look up so I was forced to look down. I couldn't see anything but our laps since I was in his lap.

Is it just me or... is there like a green light in here with us?

There's this faint green glow around the two of us but I can't figure out where it's coming from. It's gotta be a light or something... What else could it possibly be?

He let me go just barely so that I wasn't choking but I was able to breathe now. I could hear the struggle his was having with the door and tried to look again, but he pushed me back into my previous position to prevent me from looking.

His arm stayed around me but it felt very different than normal. It felt like he was holding back but I'm not entirely sure why. And his hold was... tense and powerful.

Where did that strength come from...?

I still am not sure why I can see the soft glow of a green light around me either.

Jack's nail's feel longer, and they're digging into my side from his tight hold on my waist.

I heard him growl once in effort and it sound... almost animalistic.

"J-Jack what's going on," I asked him to see if he'd answer me but I heard him wince and he didn't respond to my question.

I struggled against Jack's arm to turn around, not looking at his face since he clearly didn't want that.

I managed to wiggle and move enough to get myself to be able to face the door.

I felt the arm that he was using to hold the door close tense, trying to pull me back into my position, but we both paused when we heard a chilling voice speak.

"She's watching us."


Jack's? POV:

"She's watching us."

Watching them...?

Who's watching them?

(Y/N) can't see whatever those things are... is there someone else here?

I told you so.

I rolled my eyes, not feeling any pressure on the door anymore so I released it, putting both arms around (Y/N) and pressing her back into my chest before backing up against the wall and keeping as much distance as I could between us and the door.

Something's wrong with (Y/N). She's stopped moving.

I looked at the girl in my grip and looked at her the best I could. Her face was hidden by her hair and she isn't looking anywhere but straight.

What the hell...?

"When your guide comes back online, he is going to tell you that he was unsuccessful. That you must restart the system manually. He will tell you to crawl through Ballora Gallery as fast as you can to reach the breaker room."

That voice again... she's back... but (Y/N)'s with me this time.

And she isn't moving.

That's true.

"If you follow his instruction, you will die."

Well shit. Ok.

"Ballora will not return to her stage anymore. She will catch you. The power will be restored shortly. When you crawl through Ballora Gallery, go slowly, she cannot see you and can only listen for your movement."

Ok, that's not that terrible....

"When you hear her music becoming louder, she is growing near. Listening for you. Wait and be still."

Ok, that was helpful but what if those things are still out there. I can't possibly fight those things with her around. It'll definitely give us away immediately.

She's still not moving...

I looked down at (Y/N) and found that she, in fact, was not moving. I can't even tell if she's breathing anymore.

I've gotta snap her out of it somehow.

I can't talk right now though. She'll know if I do. It's not like it's subtle.

So I poked her right in the side.

That should get a reaction out of her.

She jumped and hit her head on the top of the cubby hole before groaning.

"What the hell was that for, Jack?"

Aww. That's so cute...

Your turn now.

I can't do much from here without giving us away so I'll have to back off for now.

But I won't be gone long it seems.


Yay! Finally updated! Hope you all enjoy! Thank you for reading!

I totally didn't notice that I didn't post this earlier! So you'll be getting two chapters today!

Bye Bye! *Blows kiss and waves goodbye.*

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