Welcome To The Job! Please Do Stay Alive!

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"Motion trigger: Circus Gallery Vent."
I shot up from my uncomfortable position on the ground.
'What the-'
The ground was cold, metal, and caked with dust and dirt. This wasn't where I went to sleep. I... I was at my desk. In my room. I was working on... what was I working on?
"The light... it hurts...," I whisper in a low tone as I cover my eyes from the bright flashing light from somewhere above me. I looked around for a moment to notice a control panel with some other flashing or glowing. There was what looked like a puppet hanging in front of the three large windows that overlooked something that was too dark to see. Maybe a stage or something? There was a poster of a robot girl on the right window and a creepy doll on the control panels. To my right was an elevated panel with two unlit buttons.
"I wonder what those do...," I spoke to myself before pressing the top in active button. Nothing happened.
"Oh God. Actually it doesn't sound- well it kinda does- but- if you've ever seen Pacific Rim it sounds like the voice in that which I think is just Ellen McLain? Is that her voice that does GLADOS? I think it's just the same voice. Anyway with the sounds that like- that like- 'Double Event'," a loud voice sounds from behind me in a airduct I didn't see behind me earlier. It was higher pitched but definitely male. He sounded kinda happy but there was hints of nervousness in his loud and clearly Irish voice. He continued to ramble as his voice got closer and I could hear him moving in the vent. Sounded like he was crawling actually.
"I've gotta hide...," I whispered to myself, backing away as well as I could on the ground. I used my feet to shuffle my body under the desk as fast as I could. I assume that the darkness would hide me well enough from the view of the man who crawled out of the vent. He was kinda skinny but if the shadows on his body told me anything he was packing at least a little muscle. I think it's called being lean or something. He had on a grey t-shirt and some jeans along with some simple running shoes. The knees of his jeans were dusty from the vents and his pale skinned arms had some on them as well. My gaze traveled upwards and saw that he had brown hair with exception of the light green fluffy looking section at the top of his head that hung in his eyes just a bit. He had bright blue eyes that sparkles in curiosity as he looked around. He had a bit of a scruffy looking beard to show that he was probably older than me but probably not too much older. Right?
'Ok the voice was cuter than I was expecting...'
"On the inside of the glass is Circus Baby's Auditorium ™, let's check the light to see what Baby is up to," a voice from an intercom above says robotically to which the man nodded and looked at the elevated keypad to his right. But first he poked the nose on the poster taped to the window. And then the doll on the desk's. And then the puppet's that was hanging from the ceiling. He looked deeply disappointed.
"Your noses don't do anything! You're boring! Is Circus Baby not going to be here either? Why would she be," The Irishman asked before looking back to the elevated keypad. He pressed the top but and a buzzing noise sounded in the room behind me. The man made a noise that sounded like he was expecting whatever result he got.
"Looks like a few of the lights are out, but we can fix that later. Let's encourage Baby to cheer up with a controlled shock," the voice from above came back on. Wait what? A shock? What exactly is he shocking?
"Wait what," I accidentally spoke, catching the man's attention. He looked down and stared me straight in the eyes. He took a moment to process before he screamed.
"What the fuck?! T-there's something under there! Oh Jesus Christ," he yelled, backing himself up against the wall quickly to stay as far away from me as physically possible.
He kept rambling on about Jesus and cursing rather colorfully as I spoke up from under the desk, "W-Wait please. Please don't be afraid... I-I'm j-just as confused as you are!"
He stopped yelling for a moment but stayed where he was backed up against the wall, clearly terrified. Though his eyes did seem to soften at my voice. I wonder why...
"M-My name's (Y/N)... I don't know how I got here or where I am but please don't be afraid... in all honesty I feel pretty scared myself," I told him, making him seem to relax a bit more. I didn't move from under the desk. In fact I moved a bit farther back. He seemed alarmed by my actions and put a hand up.
"Um... don't worry about it. You just startled me and I thought I was alone here. My name's Sean, but you can call me Jack. I'd actually kinda prefer it. I-It's ok now... you can come out from uh... you can come out from under the desk...," He suggested as he took a step away from the wall, holding his hand out to me. I doubt that he can actually see me but he's trying.
"Thanks Jack...," I say as I put my hand in his own. He lightly pulls me out from under the desk and helps me stand.
'Damn it. He's taller than me by so much!'
He was 5 inches taller than me at least. He smiles at me warmly before speaking again, "No problem. Top of the mornin' to ya lassie!"
"Morning? It's gotta be night by now..."
"Oh it is. That's just my saying. Don't worry about it-"
Jack was cut off by the automated voice,
"Please administer Baby a controlled shock."
"Who's Baby," I asked Jack, forgetting that he still had a hold on my hand.
"She's erm... well...," he tried to start, "She's a robot that performs or something. I'm not too sure. You're in Circus Baby's Manufacturing and Distribution Center or whatever. Probably not the name but close enough. I'm supposed to be doing maintenance on the robots. Although I coulda sworn this was a game."
"A game?"
"Yeah like a video game. Oh what was it called... I'll remember it eventually but I do recall waking up in the elevator coming down here with no idea how I got here."
"It was the same with me," a new voice sounds in the room from the intercom.
"Jack? Jack can you hear me?"
"Mark? Is that you?"
"Jack! Thank fuck, you can hear me! My god I've been fiddling with this thing for like two and a half hours!"
"What thing?"
"This control panel. It's got a microphone and like a million buttons. The door to the room is locked and I can't get out but I can see you guys on the cameras in here. I just woke up in here a while ago and I couldn't leave. The last thing I remember from before waking up here was falling asleep at my gaming desk. I watched the monitors and flipped a bunch of switches until I couldn't see anything on one of them anymore. Then Jack showed up on the monitor in the elevator when it cut out for a minute. Then that girl popped up in Baby's room. Oh! I'm Mark by the way! I'm a good friend of Jack's. Good to meet you, Miss," He explained, introducing himself. I laughed a little about how excited he seemed when introducing himself.
"I'm (Y/N). You don't have to call me, Miss. It's nice to meet you too, Mark. But now that formalities are out of the way... why are we in here?"


Hey everyone! If you didn't read my other story "Robotic Hearts" then I guess I should introduce myself once again, eh? I'm NamelessVoice234 but you may call me Voice! I hope you enjoy this story and I'd love to see what you think so please do comment! I love to read them.
Although, judging by my other story's stats, I doubt this is going to get many views... but if you do read this then please do comment something. It makes me feel good to know someone really is reading.
Anyway, see you in the next chapter!

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