the sound

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 we finally reached luke's friends' apartment the next day, so we were finally in california. it wasn't like los angeles or anything, just a city in the middle of the state, but it still was beautiful there. luke was excited to be back in california and i was happy that we would finally have a bed to sleep on.

we arrived during the day, so the sun was shining and both our moods were high. we grabbed our two bags and headed up to the apartment. it was a nicer complex, which was surprising compared to the apartments of luke's other friends. i guess these were his rich friends or something.

once we knocked on the door, his two friends opened the door, excited to see their friend.

"luke!" the two boys exclaimed, excitedly, pulling luke into a tight hug.

they hugged while i awkwardly stood aside.

when they pulled apart, luke introduced me, "this is my friend, ashton, by the way." he told the two boys.

"hey, i'm calum," the tan boy with dark hair and an island descent introduced himself. the other boy with bleached hair and a face covered in stubble spoke up next, "i'm michael."

"hey, nice to meet you," i spoke politely. i was really grateful for them, after all, they were actually letting us stay here for as long as we needed. i couldn't even believe somebody would do something that generous, "thanks so much for letting us stay here."

"no problem," calum grinned kindly, "we're always willing to have luke stay here, he always helps us out."

"you guys are probably tired from driving, follow me," michael said.

luke and i picked up our bags and followed the boys to a guest room.

"there's a bathroom just to the right for you two. feel free to grab whatever you want from the kitchen," calum said, "we'll let you guys get situated."

i thanked them again and the two boys left.

"they're so nice, i can't believe they're letting us stay here!" i exclaimed excitedly, "and oh my god we can take a shower and sleep in a bed!" i had to keep myself from climbing into the bed and falling asleep right away. i really wanted to take a shower after all.

"wanna shower together?" he asked, "i don't wanna wait another second to shower."

"yeah, sure," i agreed. we both headed to the bathroom, closing the door behind us.

it felt weird to undress in front of him, especially over something that wasn't supposed to be arousing. the fact that luke was a guy, also, was a little different for me. i wasn't used to getting aroused over a guy, especially someone who was my best friend. but, after he had explained his feelings and i realized i felt the same, i began to get more attracted to him.

but this time, he definitely looked amazing. i didn't stop myself from staring as the boy took off his shirt, exposing his chest, which wasn't covered in a six pack, but still looked amazing. he tugged off his jeans, so i could see his long, lanky legs, paled from the winter. he tugged his boxers off and i shied my glance from his crotch.

"stop staring at me and get undressed, dork," he ruffled my hair and let out a light chuckle before disappearing into the shower.

with flushed cheeks, i undressed and glanced at the mirror, to make sure i was okay looking. and of course i looked like shit. my curly hair was greasy and sticking up in random places, my face was dotted in acne, my body was paling from the winter and i was getting a little too skinny from barely eating. i was self conscious about appearing naked in front of the guy who was perfect in everyone's eyes.

i left my heart in my mind (ashton irwin a.u.)Where stories live. Discover now