What the hell is going on?

Start from the beginning

"I'll be up in five minutes Daddy." She said.

I smiled as I said "No. Stay asleep if you want. You're not going to school."

That got her sitting up. She stretched and yawned.

"Why not? I-." I cut her off.

"You aren't going to school for the same reason, I'm not going to work. It's Alpha orders to relax and kick back. Before he said that though. My wolf and I were thinking of having a father daughter bonding day today." I replied.

"What about Paul and Xander, Daddy?"

"Paul will be at a meeting. Alexander will be spending time with someone." I said with a grin. "Whether or not they like it."

"You didn't." She said knowing who I was talking about.

"I did." I answered.

"She's going to hate you, something might go wrong, or this will go in some unknown way. Lets just hope she doesn't kill him on sight." Jaycie said with a grin as she yawned once more.

"Go back to sleep. We will find out soon enough." I replied with a grin.


*Mystery POV*

"What?!?" I screeched hurting even my ears.

"You have to go now. You are not to hurt him, let him be killed, or leave. He most likely won't, also don't let him out of your sight. Understood?" Alpha Blake, my dad, said.

I bowed my head since it was an Alpha command.

"Yes sir." I said through gritted teeth.

He growled lowly as he took it with disrespect to say anything to him with gritted teeth and to look pissed off at the same time.

"K-." He sighed to calm down. "Knock it off. You are my top warrior. I expect more from you. I understand that you hate rouges, but this one is different. Now go to Mr. Everheart's house now." He ordered.

"Yes sir." I said normally masking my emotions.

I left his office not bothering with closing the door as I left. I heard him sigh from here. It was more of a 'wow, did she really' sigh than an annoyed sigh.

I slid down the rail and jump off landing on my feet. (Kids don't do that at home.) I went to the garage and jumped onto my bike and veered off. I was going at 80 mph on my baby. She was a Harley Davidson from 2010. I love her ever since I bought her, I was 12 years-old. I had fixed her up and made her nice and shiny. It was great fixing, Clara. Yes I named my bike Clara and yes it's a girl. I don't know why. I'm just weird.

I was then at Jaycie's house. I could hear her squeal from here. I smiled at that. I always loved Jaycie like she was my very own sister. She had always came over just to see me. Until recently, I haven't seen her since the day before she was kidnapped with her mom. I smiled when I had gotten off for her to come running to me. I smiled as she hugged me. Hugging her I kept her close.

I missed her.


*Alexander's POV*

I woke up hearing a motorcycle. Thinking it was the girl my dad talked about I took a short shower. I brushed my teeth and messed with my hair. I had long hair, but I got a lot of compliments from girls about them liking it.

I changed after drying off as I changed into my shirt and put my jacket on, I started to put my socks on. I heard a knock on my door. Dad had yelled at me to hurry up. I tied my shoes and looked at my white shirt that had my favorite band on it, and my black jeans with my white and black converse. I opened my door only to stop. A great smell hitting my nose. I couldn't smell the scent as much. I followed it confused.

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