Chapter 24

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Tori and Jimin both left the apartment. They walked side by side just like they always do during the day. They were on their way to the BTS's dorm to explain themselves. Tori couldn't get rid of the nervousness and worry she could feel.

As they entered the building and made their way to the dorm Tori was feeling worse and worse.

"Jimin" Tori said, as she stopped.

Jimin turned to look at her. He could see the worry on her face and hugged her.

"Don't worry... They'll understand" Jimin said and kissed her head.

Tori calmed down slightly in his arms. She felt safe whenever he hugged her. After the hug they continued until they reached a door.

Jimin turned the handle and walked in slowly. Tori followed closely behind him. She was worried the other members would yell at her. If they did she knew she would break down and probably cry.

They walked further into the dorm; Tori did notice how much stuff was in the hallway as they walked. Finally they reached the end and found some of the members in the living room.

There was an awkward stare between the members and Tori and Jimin. Then Jimin started talking, he was anger.

"Why'd you have to tell them?" He yelled at Taehyung and J-hope who were next to each other. "I... We were going to tell them eventually" he continued looking back at Tori, "Now you might have ruined everything."

Jin was also in the room and walked over to Jimin to try and calm him down. Tori stood still unsure what she should do.

"It just slipped out" J-hope said watching Jimin who was refusing to be calmed by Jin.

"How?" Tori said confused.

"They asked where Jimin was and I told them... It was an accident I swear" J-hope said to Tori.

"We thought you would have said something to them already" V said looking concerned at Jimin.

Tori looked over at Jimin who was still refusing to calm down. She walked over to him and grabbed his arms. She looked at him as to say 'we have to be calm and talk to them.' He slowly started to calm himself down.

Once Tori let go all the other members were in the room. They must have heard Jimin yelling and came to see what was happening.

'Now it's time to explain' Tori thought as she took a deep breath.


Tori didn't know how to explain everything so Jimin explained most of it. He explained that at first Tori didn't want things to continue but it just happened. Jimin explained that he had never felt this way with someone and at first he just thought they would be friends.

'That's what I thought' Tori thought to herself when he explained that. She smiled slightly. Jimin was finishing up his explanation.

"I know you all probably won't approve of this but we both really like each other and if it stays a secret nothing would happen" Jimin was pleading for them to understand.

"A secret always gets discovered though" Rap Monster voiced, "And a secret like this could ruin not just both of your careers but all of ours."

Jimin looked back at Tori who still hadn't said anything. "It won't get out" Tori said quietly.

The boys all looked at her. "How do you know?"

"Because me and Jimin have been alone together for weeks now and none of you suspected anything, how would anyone else find out?" Tori said walking to be beside Jimin.

The boys all looked at each other. "I still don't think it's a good idea" Rap Monster said.

"No way, their so cute together" J-Hope argued.

They all started to talk over one another. Most of them actually were okay with the relationship but someone would always find something wrong with the idea.

"Can't it be up to me?" Jimin yelled over all of them.

They all looked at Jimin; even Tori turned her head confused in his words.

"Can't I choose who I want to be in a relationship with? Their mine and Tori's feelings we're talking about" Jimin continued.

"Obviously Jimin but those feelings could ruin BTS" Jin stated.

"Not if we keep it a secret" Tori said holding Jimin's hand.

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