Chapter 6

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They walked side by side in silence. Tori didn't know why there was nothing to talk about; she felt nervous.

"So" Tori started, "Since you know one of my secrets you have to tell me one of yours." She said as she looked over at Jimin.

"No I don't" Jimin said as he giggled at her comment.

"Yes you do. I can't have you thinking I'm an alcoholic and you looking like an angel" she said but then looked at the ground knowing that was a compliment she didn't mean to give.

"An angel, huh? I never thought of myself as an angel" he said with a funny looking thinking face.

"Shut up" Tori said as she pushed him slightly.


They entered a small café that wasn't too far away from Tori's dorm. They sat at a two seated table across from each other after they ordered their drinks.

Tori got a hot chocolate and so did Jimin.

"So bad girl, what's another secret you have?" Jimin said with a smirk on his face.

"Well Mr Angel, since I do not know enough about you I cannot tell you that information" Tori said trying to be serious and folding her hands on the table in front of her, but they both ended up laughing.

Their drinks were brought out to them. Jimin took a sip, as Tori took a spoon and ate the foam on top.

"Cute" Jimin said making Tori laugh. She still had foam in her mouth and when she heard that she had to stop herself from choking on her mouthful.

It had been a moment since either of them spoke and when Tori looked back up at Jimin he had foam on his top lip. He obviously didn't know about it.

"What?" He questioned as he saw her stare.

Tori smiled, "You have foam on you lip" she said pointing to her own top lip.

Jimin used his tongue to lick off the foam, "Better?" he said.

Tori looked down and smiled, "Yep" she said then looking back at him.


Tori got back to her dorm quite late. She wasn't expecting anyone to be awake but when she walked into her room Maki was laying in her bed... on her phone.

"Yah, where have you been?" Maki questioned when she saw Tori.

"You'll never believe it" Tori said as she sat on her bed.

"Stop with these guessing game, just tell me" Maki said putting her phone down so she could look at Tori.

"Fine, I went and had a drink with Jimin" Tori said as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Shut up! So you actually had a conversation with him?" Maki said almost jumping off her bed.

Tori was shocked by what Maki said, "Hey, I've talked to him before." Tori then realized she hadn't told Maki about the other times, 'Shit'.

"Oh really? Is that so..." Maki said now very interested.

"Yeah, I just forgot to tell you" Tori said thinking that it sounded so stupid.

"Well now you have to tell me everything"


It took Tori maybe 10 minutes to explain all her encounters with Park Jimin but it took the following half an hour for Maki to go back over everything and analyse what he did but she was also slightly fan girling over all the cute things Jimin did. Tori and Maki were laying next to each other on Tori's bed as the conversation continued.

"... and he licked to foam off his lip. Did it seem flirty?" Maki questioned.

"No, for the last time I think we're just becoming good friends" Tori said. She was happy Maki wasn't looking straight at her because she lightly blushed recalling the memory.

"Come on Tori, you don't know boys that well. You've only had like one boyfriend" Maki said.

"As if you know them any better? You've had how many boyfriends and all the relationships ended after at most 2 months" Tori said joking around with Maki.

"Hey, one of those relationships lasted 4 months, thank you very much" Maki said as they both started laughing. Once she calmed down she continued, "Do you like him? You know more than a friend?" she questioned Tori as she sat up to she Tori's face.

Tori thought for a minute and the thought of Jimin made her blush.

"Aw you do" Maki said when she saw Tori's reaction.

Tori quickly covered her face. "I don't know. I've only known him for 3 days. But it feels so natural talking to him" she uncovered her face to see Maki. "But I can't do anything. It's against my 'job rules'." Tori said with air quotes and then sat up.

"Job rules?" Maki questioned looking confused.

Tori grabbed her bag which was next to her bed and pulled out the folder. She showed Maki the rules in the back.

"Wow Big Hit really do cover everything..." Maki said as she read through them.

"Yeah so see, I can't do anything unless I want to lose my job"

"That's if you get caught" Maki said with a devilish smile.

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