Chapter 5

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The next day Tori woke up early and slowly got ready. She couldn't understand why she was so tired; she didn't go to sleep late?

She was ready earlier then yesterday, probably because she wasn't worried so much, and she decided she better read through the schedules she was given yesterday.

They were pretty easy to follow. All the time's BTS had dance practice Tori had to be there. If they had vocal practice or recording for songs she could do whatever she wanted. She also read that she was required to be at any live performances and music video shoots in case someone needed help with the choreography (*cough, cough* Jin and Rap Monster).

It was all so interesting looking through the schedules. The BTS members were so busy all the time. Tori finished reading the last page when she found some rules for being in her job. She found it kind of funny that there were rules for her.

The first was that she had to dress appropriately, no short shorts, no bra lets that would show too much, all the basic stuff everyone would know. She was fine with all the rules; she didn't wear or do any of what they said.

She finally got to the last one. There was only about 5 of them and she thought this was the most strange but easy to follow. 'You are not allowed to be in any type of romantic or sexual relationship with any of the members or your co-workers.'

'I may not be a virgin but I'm defiantly not a hoe' she thought to herself as she put the folder back in her bag.


The day went on like it was planned. BTS was practicing hard as usual. Tori kept wondering her eyes to Jimin.

'Stop it Tori' she thought. Tori was then confused with herself. 'You've only talked to him like twice and now you keep staring at him. He'll think you a fan girl if you keep this up.'

The truth was Tori was a fan of BTS but not an over dramatic one. She never really had a favourite member but she started thinking she was attracted to Jimin. 'You can't do this' she thought to herself as she remembered what she read this morning.

It was lunch time. Everyone was given an hour to have lunch and to relax. Big Hit was nice enough to bring food for everyone and they all sat round in the practice room together and ate. It was only Tori and the BTS members.

"So Tori where are you from?" Asked V; with his mouth full of food. Suga nudged him in the arm as to say 'you can't ask that'.

Tori laughed a little, "I'm from Australia."

"Ah so that explains your blonde hair and blue eye's" (Stereotyping Australian's) V said back.

There were only very small conversations between everyone. All the BTS members seem tired from their hard work.


The day was over again. Tori felt sad that even with such an amazing job she didn't get to dance as often as she used to. Lucky Big Hit stays open late and she could practice whatever she wanted.

Before she did anything Jimin walked back into the room.

"Did you forget your phone again?" Tori asked with a smile on her face.

"No, I wanted to stay and watch you dance" he said to her. There was a silent pause, "Is that okay?" He smiled at her.

"Um won't that be boring for you?" She asked, hoping he would leave. She didn't want to feel embarrassed with him there.

"No" he said as he sat down with his back on the mirror.

Tori looked at him for a second with her arms crossed, 'why Jimin, why?' she thought.

"Well are you going to start dancing?" Jimin asked using over exaggerated hand movements.

"I'm going to feel embarrassed with you watching me" Tori said as she hid her face. She was already embarrassed.

"Why? You could dance in front of those important people at the audition?" He said standing back up.

"I don't know. With you, I just always get embarrassed..." she tried to calm the embarrassment she felt.

"This is why I find you cute" he said as he smiled.

Tori felt her cheeks go red and she covered her face again. Jimin noticed and laughed.

"Stop it Park Jimin" she said slightly laughing as well.

"Well if you're not going to dance do you want to go get a non-alcoholic drink?" he was teasing her because of the secret he discovered yesterday.

Tori was shock and her mouth slightly dropped opened, which made Jimin laugh. "Fine then let's go" Tori said as she turned around sharply.

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