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Once we had all calmed down, and they had warmed up, we were all sat in the living room, laughing, talking about random stuff, it really took my mind off everything that happened today. No one was talking about it, I wasn't sure if I was glad or not, when I think about it I want to cry, just sit and cry for hours, but if I don't talk about it, I might never get over it.

'So how was Australia' I asked Harvey, who was sat opposite

'Hot, much hotter than here' he laughed looking out the window at the miserable wet weather 'but it was amazing, one of the best experiences I've ever witnessed' I smiled at the light in his eyes, it was beautiful, how much passion he had for what he did, how happy it made him.

'I want to go Australia' I looked up at Brook as my head was on this lap, I laughed at how randomly he said it

'You will soon, you'll be over there performing and they'll love you' I gave him a squishy smile, his face dropped slightly 'what?' he shook his head, I raised my eyebrows making him sigh

'Just recently, the whole band has been different, not as close as usual, Mikey's in hospital, I'm in Manchester, just feels like we're all distant from each other, and not just because I'm here' I gave Harvey a quick glance before sitting up

'Hey, you're a family, things go bad sometimes, but there's always a rainbow after the storm, and I'm sorry' he looked at me

'Why are you sorry?' I sighed

'For creating the storm' my eyes starting watering

'Gabby, from everything I've heard, all you did was tell Andy how you felt, which was right, you can't live a life you don't want, Andy understands that to, he just got upset because he loves you, its not anyone fault what happened, to Mikey, and with everything else' Harvey said, I nodded

'Brook why do you think the bands different?' he shrugged

'We're brothers, its always fun, but recently its awkward, I don't know how to act around them anymore, I left the flat about 6 hours ago, no one knows where I am, I never did that, and they message me when I've been gone for an hour' tears left my eyes

'I know you're saying it's not my fault but it is, lets be honest, if I never told Andy how I felt, he would never have left, and then it wouldn't have got awkward, and I wouldn't have left and me and Andy would still be together, Mikey wouldn't be unconscious in hospital, it's a chain, started by me' There was a silence between us, not awkward, we were all just silent 'go to them, you need to tell them all how you feel, it'll help things' he shook his head

'No, I'm not leaving you, not right now, you need people to be around' he replied

'Brook she's right, you need to go back, I'll stay, she wont be alone, you can get a train tomorrow morning' he didn't reply for a minute and then he nodded

'Okay, I'll go, try and get things back to how they usually are' Me and Harv smiled at him 'Promise you'll be okay, and if you need anything you'll call me' I nodded, he put his pinky towards me, I smiled and joined it with mine, making a promise.

We changed the subject after that, we went back to laughing and joking around, dancing crazily to my playlist. After a few hours of non stop laughing, and my stomach hurt, they had crashed out, Harvey was sprawled on the floor, Brook on the sofa. I sat down for a moment, just thinking about all I've lost in such a little space of time, but looking in front of me, at the two guys sleeping, and Mikey, Rye and Jack at the hospital, I smiled, knowing how lucky I was to have them all, my best friends, brothers, and wondering what would happen when they left, when I'd see them again. I lay down, resting my head back on Brooks stomach.


I hugged him, tight, I didn't want to let go, knowing this could be the last time I see him for a long, long time,

'And remember, I'm a phone call away' I nodded, he hugged Harvey goodbye and he left, we waved him goodbye in the taxi and watched him drive away, I turned to Harvey

'Then there was two' he laughed and hugged me

'They'll be okay, don't blame yourself' he held my hands

'I'll try' he smiled, shutting the door 'So, have you spoken to any of the boys since you've been back?' he shook his head

'None of them actually know, apart from Brook, that I'm even in the U.K, I might call Rye, see how Mikey's doing actually' he pulled his phone from his pocket, calling him, I went into the kitchen, making myself a coffee, I needed energy, I was drained

'Gabby!' Harvey shouted, I heard him running down the stairs and into the kitchen

'What?' he was breathing heavily

'It's Mikey.... he's gotten worse, he's on a life support machine and has to go for urgent surgery, they don't know if he'll make it' He replied still breathing heavy, his face was full of worry

'If you're quick you make the train with Brook' he shook his head

'I'm not leaving you alone, come with me?' my heart was beating fast

'Harv, I'm not welcome at the flat' I looked at the time, there was half an hour before the train arrived

'We can get a hotel, I'll stay with you there' I was quiet for a moment, the pain in his face hurt me, I couldn't say no, he had to see Mikey

'Okay, quickly get your things' I ran upstairs, threw a few things in a bag, and we left, we got a taxi, and got to the station with 10 minutes to spare, Harvey was shaking trying to get the tickets 'Here let me do it' I said, he walked to the side and I brought the tickets

'Guys what are you doing?' I turned round and saw Brook walking towards us, looking at our bags, he obviously hadn't heard

'Mikey's got worse, he's on a life support and has to go for surgery' his face dropped

'Will he be okay?' I shrugged, Harvey was pacing up and down

'Calm down, worrying is just going to make it worse' he took deep breaths in.

As we waited for the train, we all sat in silence, not knowing what to say, I looked up and prayed, that he'd be okay

'Mum, please don't let anything bad happen, I can't take someone else being taken' I whispered, just as the train was pulling up, we all got on, we found a table seat, and put all our stuff in the head space. Harvey's phone rang, we all looked at him and he slowly answered it

'Hello' he didn't say anything for a minute, we sat and watched, waiting to see what was happening 'wait.... what....' his face went white, he slowly lowered the phone

'What? what's happened?' Brook said nervously

'He's been taken to surgery... but they said if he still needs the life support after, then there's not really any hope... and that we should consider turning it off'

Stay; Andy Fowler (A Roadtrip Fanfiction) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now