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There was a knock at the door, I left my mum with the baby and went through to the hallway, I unlocked the door revealing a women, I recognised but I wasn't sure where from. A little girl was stood by her side and was holding the hand of a tallish boy who gave me a slightly rude look. I smiled

'Can I help you?' I asked and she smiled back

'I'm Gabbys auntie, from New Zealand' as soon as she said that it clicked, but I didn't realised she had cousins, and they didn't exactly look related, I was about to invite them in when a man and women walked behind them

'Mummy, he has a British accent, listen' the little girl said excitedly, I laughed slightly

'These are my friends, and their kids, Lottie and Charlie' my eyes shot to the boy, the one Gabby was with in New Zealand, he was good looking, well built, I sighed, opening the door more, inviting them in. I lead them through to the living room, my mum turned around, smiling when she saw us all walk in, she handed me the baby and introduced herself.

'So where's Gabby?' Charlie asked, I looked at him

'Asleep' I replied bluntly, he rolled his eyes and sat down 'does anyone want a drink?' I asked around

'I'll have a water please' Gabbys auntie said, I smiled and went into the kitchen, pouring her drink. I sighed to myself and took a deep breathe in, returning to the others.

'Charlie's good with children, here' the baby was handed to him, he rocked her and she stopped crying, the anger was building up

'I'm just going to the flat, need to give Rye something, I shouldn't be too long' I kissed my mums cheek and left, walking to the flat quickly. I still had a key and when I got in Jack was walking out of the bathroom

'Hey mate, what're you doing here?' I didn't reply, I went into the band room and slumped onto the couch, everyone looked at me

'Oh hey' Rye said

'What's up with you?' Mikey carried on, I swallowed the lump in my throat

'Gabbys aunt came from Australia... and she brought guests' Jacks face dropped, no one else knew what happened between them

'Charlie's here?' He asked, I nodded

'Who's that?' Brook asked confused, I looked at Jack so he could explain, I threw my head back and rubbed my face

'He knows Gabbys aunt so when she was over there they got close, and he liked her and the day before we left they kissed, and when I arrived they were in bed together' my heart hurt from hearing about Gabby with another guy 'and he was jealous about her life here and called her all sorts and said she didn't deserve to be wth Andy and should stay there and he's be the father of the baby' my whole body stopped, I looked at Jack

'What's did he say....' I asked slowly, my stomach dropped and my heart felt like it had come out of my body

'I, did you it know that bit?' I shook my head, anger was filling my body, the thought of him wanting to be the father to my baby, and now he was over there holding her, I sped out of the flat, I heard Jack coming after me, all the way back to the house 'bro wait, don't storm in there, the baby's in there, don't cause a scene' I turned around

'How can I not, he said he wanted to be the father to my baby, MY baby' I replied, I took a deep breath in, Jack pulled me into a hug 'that's my baby, how could he say that' a tear left my eye onto Jacks jumper

'Exactly Andy, that's your baby, and he can't take that away from you, Gabby loves you, she came back for you, she didn't stay there, when he said that she went mad and we left straight away, I think she left half her stuff there because she was so mad, she knew that little girl in there was meant to be with you, because you're an amazing guy and an even more amazing dad' I smiled and looked at the house

'Thankyou, you're right, she's my number one priority, before you said Charlie said stuff to Gabby, what did he say?' He sighed and I raised my eyebrows, nodding

'He said shes slag who gets around with her boyfriends best mate' my face was full of disgust, how could he say that to her, when he was supposed to be her friend, who liked her, I walked towards the front door and went inside, Jack following shortly behind

'Ah Andy, you're back, I think she wants her daddy' Gabbys aunt said, handing me her, she was crying, a lot, I rocked her a little and bounced her and after a few moments she was fine, I turned and looked at Jack

'See, what did I tell you' he smiled

'Can you take her for a second' he nodded and took her from me, I walked towards Charlie

'Listen, I know what happened between you and Gabby and I know what you said, about wanting to be her dad' I looked at Jack holding her 'and just so you know, she is the best thing that happened to me, the same as Gabby, so before you say Gabby doesn't deserve me, know how I feel about her, and then say it again, and don't ever, ever call her a 'slag' or anything again' he stood in silence, looking awkwardly around, before kissing his teeth and walking past me

'I don't regret anything I said' I tried to bite my tongue but I couldn't, I spun around and grabbed his arm, everyone was now looking, confused as to what he conflict was about

'Get out of my house... now' he didn't have the time to reply when the living room door opened, and a tired looking Gabby trudged through

'Whats happening down here' she rubbed her eyes and looked up, shock filled her face as Lottie ran up to her and hugged her 'Charlie?'

Stay; Andy Fowler (A Roadtrip Fanfiction) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now