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'Sure' he replied getting up, we went into kitchen, I shut the door and took a deep breath 'what's up?' He asked, looking at me

'I went to the doctors a few days ago' I paused

'Is everything okay?' He asked, looking worried, I nodded

'Yeah, everything's fine, but the nurse told me how many weeks I was and realised something. That's why I came home, I needed to tell you, I realised it's you, that you're the father' I stopped and nothing was said, he was stood in silence.

A knock at the door broke the silence, we both looked and Jack walked in

'Sorry, I know this isn't a good time but Blairs on the phone, he needs to talk to us all' he nodded and we went into the bedroom, the phone was on the table and everyone was sat around

'He's here' Rye said through the phone

'Andy, I need you to sign some papers, saying you're staying in the band, you need to meet Pete at the studio asap' he turned and looked at me

'Erm I need to sort this out' he said, still looking shocked and confused about what just happened. My heart was beating fast but I knew it was the right thing to do.

He left and everyone looked at me

'What happened, how did he take it?' Rye asked, Brook looked up, it was the first time seeing him after he found out about the baby news.

'Why what's happened?' Everyone looked awkward

'Erm, I found out who the dad is' his face dropped, his eyes widened

'And' he asked, looking terrified for my response

'It's Andys' I replied making a big sigh of relief leave his mouth. Silence washed around the room

'So what's happening now?' Mikey asked, I shrugged

'I'm not to sure, I guess I'll wait for Andy to come back and then we'll talk about everything, properly, sort everything out' he nodded and I sat next to Jack. I looked around, knowing things would never be the same, if me and Andy stay together he'll never trust me around Brook, not after everything.

We all sat around for about an hour, I stayed quiet, scrolling through social media. The door opened and next thing I saw was Andy, he looked at me, he didn't say anything, we just looked at each other. He walked further forward so the other boys could see him

'Everything sorted?' Jack asked, he nodded, out of breath

'Gabby' he said, motioning for me to come with him, I quickly got up and followed him, we left the flat, and walked towards to town centre.

'Where are we going?' I asked, trying to catch up to him, he was walking fast, nearly running. He came to a sudden stop, and looked around. I frowned

'Andy are you okay?' He looked disorientated, as if he didn't know where he was, I touched his shoulder but he nudged me off

'Memories, all those memories' he muttered, my heart was beating fast, I was confused

'Andy what's wrong?' He was turning around, looking at the surroundings, I was beginning to get scared

'You threw them away, all those memories, I ruined them, the memories' and with that he was gone, I tried to run after him but he was out of sight. I was shaking

'Mikey, I need your help, it's Andy, something's wrong' I said as soon as he answered trying to catch my breath

'Why what's happened?' He asked, sounding worried

'We were walking, and he started being weird, like he didn't know where he was, and then he just ran off, I don't know where he's gone but I don't think he's okay' I explained, he was silent for a moment

'What was he saying?' I could hear some muttering in the background

'Memories, all those memor....' it clicked, I dropped my phone from the side of my face and ran, as fast as I could. Through the streets, into the square

I pushed through the door and came to a sudden stop. I looked around, it was dark, I looked around, the pictures, some hanging off the wall, waiting to fall, some ripped, some crumpled on the floor. The lights were trailing on the floor, half of them were broke. It was a mess, it was beautiful, how could something so beautiful now look like something so horrible, so sad. He was in the far corner, his knees to his chest, his head in between his knees. He was shaking, crying, I started to slowly walk towards him when a photo caught my eye, the photo of me, Andy and my mum, ripped in half, right through my mums face. I turned and looked at him

'Andy, why did you do this, did you really hate me that much, that you had to ruin something you spent so much time on, all our memories, is this what they mean to you, just crumpled on the floor' he looked up, red eyed

'you did this, you ruined it all when you went and slept with Brook, in fact when you went to New Zealand, when you left for months, when you kissed Brook' he stood up, anger in his voice 'all that, that's what did this, you ruined this, you ruined me' my heart dropped, I stepped back, he was getting angry, I'd never seen him like this, I was scared.

I hit the wall, I couldn't go anywhere, the walls felt like they were closing in, the lights flashing on and off, everything I had done replaying in my mind, and Andy, watching me suffering, watching me hurt, he came closer, I closed my eyes and screamed, hoping someone would hear and help me


Stay; Andy Fowler (A Roadtrip Fanfiction) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now