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My mouth shot open 'WHAT?' I saw Mikey and Jack looking really awkward, Rye and Brook were talking

'Hey guy lets go out' Rye said patting Andy on the shoulder as he walked past, Brooklyn, Mikey and Jack followed, we both walked into the flat, shutting the door behind me, I looked back at Andy, his face was angry, sad and confused all in one. He walked into the band room, lay on Jacks bed and put his hands over his face

'I don't get it, why?' I sat on the sofa and looked at him

'You really think I cheated on you, with Brooklyn?' I said still shocked as to what was happening

'No I did think, now I know, you just told me you did' I shook my head

'No I said I'd explain, but that was before I knew what you were talking about!' I was now getting annoyed that he thought I would do that

'Okay so what did you think I was talking about?' I froze, what did I tell him? I couldn't tell him what I really thought, he would be more upset than he was now, but if I didn't he'd think I was with Brooklyn

'I don't know I just panicked, Andy why would I cheat on you with Brooklyn, I love you, and Brooks like a brother to me' he sat up

'You panicked, I want to believe you but somehow I don't, all the signs are there, you've been acting weird since you arrived, as if you didn't want to be here, then you'd always go out and Brook would want to come with you, every time we're all together you don't really talk to him, just now in the park when I came out you jumped up from hugging him, he brought you a jumper to keep you warm, what do you expect me to think' he looked me straight in the eye

'Brook came out to give me your jumper because you asked him to so I wouldn't be cold'  he shook his head and stood up

'I can't be here right now, and I don't want to be when the others come back' he left the room and grabbed his jacket

'Where are you going, it's late?' he didn't reply just walked out, left me on my own.

I stayed in the same place until the boys came home, two hours later, they poked they're heads round the corner to check it was okay to come in, no one spoke and they all sat down, they all kept looking at one another and then at me

'Where's Andy? Jack asked breaking the awkward silence, I just shrugged my shoulders, a lump was forming in my throat, I held it in this whole time but now people were around, his best friends, I couldn't, tears ran down my face. Mikey sat next to me and wrapped his arms around me, I rested my head on his chest

'I don't know where he is, he's out there alone, he's not answering his calls, where is he?' I cried

'He'll be okay, he probably just needed some time, Rye can you try call him' I heard him leave the room. I stayed in Mikey's arms, it made me feel better, made me feel safe.

'That's why he's not answering' I looked up to see Brook holding Andy's phone, it must've fell out of his pocket while he was lay down, I wiped my eyes and rested back on Mikey

'So Brook explained some things, but what happened when we left?' He asked

'Nothing, he just told me why he thought I was cheating on him and then he said he couldn't be here and left, didn't tell me where just went'

'We know you didn't, cheat, Brook briefly explained and we know neither of you would do that, but Andy must've had something that made him think you were' I nodded

'Because we were spending a lot of time together alone, and since I've been back he thought it was because I felt awkward with both of them together, I tried to explain, but he said he didn't believe me' Rye walked back into the room 'Do you believe me?' I looked up at him, Rye and Andy had been close for so long, they were the first members of the band and they'd been through so much, I didn't want Rye to hate me, he was quiet for a minute

'I just want to know he's okay' he walked back out again

'He believes you, he's just worried about Andy' Jack assured me

'Come on let's go to bed, its late and Andy will be back by the morning so you can talk properly then' Mikey said standing up and putting his hand out for me to take 'You take my bed and I'll take the sofa' I smiled to him, Rye walked back in and jumped up to his bed, he didn't say anything, just went to sleep. Mikey sighed and rubbed my back

'It'll be okay'


3am, Andy wasn't back, I was sat up staring at the door hoping to see him walk in, know he's ok, know he's safe. Everyone was asleep but I couldn't, not when he's out there, alone, no one knows where he is, no one can get in contact with him. I got up, dodged Brooklyn who was sleeping on the floor and went into the kitchen, I looked out the window but I couldn't see anything, just darkness, the darkness that had Andy.

'He'll be okay' I turned around to see Mikey walking in, he shut the door, I nodded

'I hope so, just why isn't he back yet, where is he' he shrugged and leant on the counter

'Brook told me' I looked at him

'What?' I asked

'He told me about how you might go home for good' I sighed

'Did he only tell you?' he nodded

'Why didn't you just tell Andy when he blamed you for cheating, I'm sure he would understand, he wants you to be happy' I looked down

'I'm sure he would, but that wouldn't stop him from being hurt'

'I'm not going to tell you what to do, it's not my relationship but listen to your heart and if that's to go home or if that's to stay, I'll be here and I'm sure Andy would to, but don't work yourself up about it, that'll just make it worse, come get some sleep, he'll be back in the morning, and you can sort everything out then'

'How can I sleep when he's out there, alone, no one knows where he is, no way of getting in touch with him, he could be out there in a ditch, I need to go look for him' tears were now streaming down my face, he held my hand

'Andy's a big boy, he'll be fine, he just needs some time alone and he'll be back, and if you can't sleep then I'll stay up with you, hot chocolate and food?' He grabbed two mugs and got some cake from the fridge, I smiled a little but shook my head

'If I eat anything ill be sick' I sat down and leant against the counter, still tears running down my cheeks, I pulled my knees up to my body, he sat next to me

'How can I help you?' He looked at me, I could see he was worried about me, I just sat there, crying

Stay; Andy Fowler (A Roadtrip Fanfiction) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now