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Andys POV~

I had to, after everything, and if she refused then I couldn't be with her

'That's fair' she nodded, we stood in an awkward silence for a minute 'do you trust me?' I looked down, I did trust her, not as much as I used to but I knew I loved her, and trust can grow back

'Of course I do, I know it was a mistake and I know we can get through this, we're strong enough' she smiled and snuggled into my chest, I hesitated before wrapping my arms around her body, I had missed her, I had got used to her not being around, I didn't know if she'd ever come back, and now she was in my arms, and most importantly, she was safe.

We re-joined the rest of the boys in the room, ever since Gabby had returned, Brook had barely said two words, to any of us. I looked at him, he had his earphones in, straight faced, his eyes looked like the were about to burst, flood with tears.

'Brook' he didn't react for a minute but he finally looked up, taking one earphone out

'Yeah?' He asked, looking around, seeing who had called him

'Doesn't matter' I replied, he sighed and put his earphone back in. I was going to speak to him, about everything, if he was okay but I couldn't, now Gabby was back all I could imagine was them two, I knew I had to get over it, I couldn't change the past, I loved Gabby, and she was having my baby.

I went into the kitchen to Rye, he was making some tea. He turned around and smiled

'Bro' he said, he was holding his phone up

'Are you live?' I asked, he nodded and handed me the phone, I said hello and spoke for a while before putting the phone against the wall, I turned my back to the camera and whispered to Rye

'Can you talk to Brook, make sure he's okay and doesn't feel uncomfortable or anything, I can't speak to him, not right now' he nodded and I left, saying goodbye to the live.

Jack and Mikey we're messing around, jack was running into Mikey's chest, seeing who got hurt the most, I dodged them, jumping into my bed, it was funny, seeing them both acting like weirdos and both getting hurt, you wouldn't think they were 17 and 21.

'Guys stop being stupid, what's the point' Brook said, quite loud

'What's up with you bro, you've been moody for a while' he rolled his eyes

'Me, I'm perfectly fine, you's are all the problem, seeing who can hurt each other, you're just pathetic' he stormed out, I heard the front door slam. No one spoke, we all just looked at each other, unsure about what just happened

'Is he being serious' Mikey said hitting the wall

'Woah, Mikey calm down' Jack said sitting him down, he was holding his hand

'No, I'm sorry, we're being pathetic, isn't he always the one who's messing around, all we're doing is having fun, maybe he needs to get his head of his fucking arse and stop being moody' he stood up and went towards the door, Rye stopped him

'Don't go, I'll see what's up, you'll just make things worse' Rye said making Mikey roll his eyes, he walked back in and lay on his bed, facing the wall.

I was looking at everyone, things had just gone from 0 to 100 in a few seconds. I was waiting for Rye to come back in and when he did, they both walked in, Rye patted Brooks back and got into his bed, Brook sat on the sofa, out his earphones back in and didn't speak. I looked over at Rye, he saw and looked down at his computer, pretending he didn't see me. I frowned and lay down, Gabby snuggling into me, I put my arm around her and looked at the ceiling, listening to the silence that filled the room, apart from the slight murmur of Brooks music and the tapping of Ryes computer keys.


I woke up, Gabby still in my arms, Jack was saying my name

'What's up?' I said adjusting my eyes to the light

'We're going gym, you coming?' I nodded and jumped down from the bed, it was just getting dark

'Wheres Brook?' I asked as he wasn't in the room

'He said something about meeting his friend, he'll be late home' I nodded and pulled my gym clothes on, I didn't want to wake Gabby so I left her a note saying where we were

Gabbys POV~

I woke up, all the boys were chilling, Andy was asleep next to me. I carefully got up, not waking Andy up, I went towards the toilet and Brook walked out, I hadn't spoken to him properly since being home, I looked down as he came towards me

'Hey' I slightly smiled making him frown, me and Andy had just got things back on track, I didn't want to ruin it, I know I can talk to Brook but I decided I'll just stay out of his way, the best for all of us

'Hey, Gabby' he waved his hand past my eyes, I didn't answer just tried to go into the toilet 'what's up? Are you ignoring me or something, has Andy told you to ignore...'

'Hey' I cut him off sharply, he squinted his eyes, frowning, he sighed and walked off. I went to the toilet and returned, getting back into the bed, I saw Brook look up at me, I ignored it, I didn't want things to kick off again.

I heard him sigh and get up

'Where you going?' Rye asked

'Meeting a friend, don't wait up, I'll be late' he replied and with that the door slammed and the room was silent again, I hugged Andy and went back to sleep


Andy wasn't next to me, all he boys were gone, I stretched and jumped down, there was a note

We've gone to the gym, won't be too long
Andy x

I yawned and put the note down, sitting on Jacks bed, thinking about what I could do to pass time. After a few moments the door opened, I looked waiting to see who it was, Brook. I closed my eyes, knowing this is exact thing Andy doesn't want. He walked in, and looked around

'Where is everyone?' He asked

'Gym' I replied bluntly, I hated this, it was awkward. He looked at me, like he was trying to figure something out

'What's happened here? We were so close' he asked sitting next to me, I moved up a bit

'That was then, alot's happened' he laughed

'You mean Andy happened, I know he doesn't want you near me or talking to me' I sighed

'No, he doesn't care about me talking to you, he doesn't want us alone, and I don't blame him, the past times we've been alone things happened that shouldn't...' he cut me off within something I never expected

'Brook what the hell'

Stay; Andy Fowler (A Roadtrip Fanfiction) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now