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He left, I could hear them talking outside

'If you love her why aren't you trying to get her back, go in there and fight for her!' Brook said

'Brook I'd give my life for her' my heart burst when he said that 'but you heard her' he said something else but I couldn't quite make it out, I didn't hear anything for a minute until the door opened and Brook walked back in, he sat next to me, he didn't have to say anything, he wrapped his arms around me and I cried into his shoulder

'I'm not saying he was right, but you weren't together and he thought you were moving to New Zealand, he was upset, I'm sure it was a stupid mistake, you saw how happy he was to have you back and get you out of the flat so you didn't see her and get upset' I looked up at him

'She was at the flat at the same time as me' I said disgusted but shook it off 'How did he know about New Zealand, how did you know?' I sobbed

'Harvey told him, then he went out, he must've been pretty upset' I didn't reply, I just rested on his shoulder, closing my eyes, I wanted the pain to go


I felt someone lift me up, laying me down and covering me in a warm quilt

'Brook?' he looked over

'Oh sorry, I didn't mean to wake you' he sat at the end of the bed

'Are you going to stay?' he nodded

'If you want' I smiled and snuggled into the pillow

When I woke up he was sat on the chair in the corner staring at the floor, I sat up and he shot his head up looking at me

'Evening sleepy' he laughed and I yawned stretching, slumping back down 'Do you want anything to eat?' he asked and I peered over at him

'Umm, chips' I flashed him a cheesy smile and he called for room service

'You seem happier' he said walking over the mirror, looking at me through it

'You can't let the past stop you from living the future' he raised his eyebrows and laughed

'Wheres that from then?'

'Me, I just made it up' I smiled and sat up, crossing my legs, he rolled his eyes sarcastically

'Okayyy' he said dragging it out as if he didn't believe me

'I DID!' I shouted laughing, I opened my mouth sarcastically shocked, I got up and went over to him 'I did! why don't you believe me' he looked at me smiling

'Fine I believe you' he said but I could tell he was just saying it to make me happy

'No, you don't' I laughed, I hit his arm playfully and he pushed me, which ended in me falling to the floor, in tears laughing

'You're so weak' he said holding his hand out to help me up, I grabbed it and pulled him down, I couldn't breathe because I was laughing so much, we lay next to each other, laughing which gradually faded and we were in silence looking at the ceiling, I looked at him

'Thankyou, for being so amazing, you've really been incredible, from coming to my house, to now, just everything' he smiled, his sweet innocent smile and looked back at me

'Of course, I'd do anything for you, you know I would' I nodded and we sat up, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up, we stood facing each other, his hand in mine. He intertwined our fingers and whispered 'Always' I smiled and before I could blink he was a centimetre away from me, I could feel his breath on my cheek, I stood there, my heart was beating out of my chest, I felt them, on the tip of mine, for a few moments, that felt like forever, before they pressed onto mine, they were soft, different than I had expected them to be

He was kissing me

I was kissing him

We were kissing each other

And I didn't push him away

Stay; Andy Fowler (A Roadtrip Fanfiction) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now