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'Can we talk?' my heart sunk as I knew I was about to break his

'Sure' he dried his hands and turned to face me, leaning against the counter 'What's up?' I took a deep breath but I couldn't do it, I couldn't tell him

'I've just missed you so much... I guess knowing soon I'll have to leave again and be away from you, its just hard, you live so far away' before I could say anything else he wrapped his arms around me, I rested my head on his chest

'Hey, I hate being far from you aswell, but lets make time we do have together special, we've got four months together now, and then its only a week apart before I come home for Christmas, and we can spend so much time together then' I nodded as he kissed my head

'Yeah' I whispered as he released me from his arms

'Wait is that why you've been acting different? because we cant always be together?' I slightly nodded while looking at the floor, I couldn't look him in the eyes, I just had to get on with life, hide my feelings or someone will get hurt 'I love you so much, you know I'm always with you, wherever you are' he smiled while cupping my face, I smiled back and kissed him softly

'I know, come on lets go back to the others' I held his hand and leaded him into the band room. We jumped onto Andy's bed

'Everything okay?' Rye asked mid sipping his cup of tea, Andy smiled

'Yeah, she was just sad that she'd have to leave soon, but all's fine now' he put his hand on my knee and I smiled at him, resting my head on his shoulder, I saw Brooklyn looking at me, he was giving me a look, a 'why didn't you tell him' look. I looked away and joined in Andy and Mikey's conversation about who was clearing out Peppers litter tray

A few hours had passed and we were all still having pointless conversations as usual, Jack was asleep, which I've noticed he does a lot since I've been here

'So its cheat day, what we getting for dinner?' Andy asked, everyone's moods suddenly shot up

'I'm saying Nandos!' Rye shouted, everyone agreed and I said I'd go get it as I needed to leave the house, I was getting a headache. I got everyone's orders and got all my stuff

'I'll come with you, it's a long drive to Nandos' Brook said getting off his bed and pulling his jumper on

'No that's okay, I don't mind really' I didn't want Brook to come as I knew he'd ask why I didn't tell Andy the truth, but all the boys said he should come so I didn't go alone.

I was looking out the window in the taxi and in the reflection I could see him looking at me, I tried not to say anything but I didn't like people staring, it made me feel awkward

'Why are you staring at me?' I said turning to look at him

'Why didn't you tell him, he needs to know how you feel, deserves to know' I sighed

'Well not if I stay here, he'll never have to find out'

'But that's not what you want, you know if you stayed here you wouldn't be happy' he replied

'And I wouldn't be happy at home, when I'm there he isn't, but when I'm here my life isn't' he looked at me and sighed

'Listen I know when your home Andy isn't with you, but you can facetime, you can chat all the time, when your here you can't do the same with your life, Andy will be home in a few months for Christmas anyway, so you can see him then'

'And then he comes back here for another half a year, if I go home it might aswell be over and I don't want that, so I'm gonna suck it up and stay here, now end of conversation' he rolled his eyes and I looked back out of the window, watching everything fly past

Stay; Andy Fowler (A Roadtrip Fanfiction) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now